We currently CD our 11 mo. old DD using prefolds (trifolded) and Best Bottom covers. I am expecting in Jan. and still have some questions regarding CDing the newborn since we didn't do it from the beginning with our last. I think I have the covers figured out. Per some previous recommendations I bought some newborn covers in case the BB covers don't fit right away (but am keeping them unwashed w/ the tags on in case the BB covers fit). Now my next question is: can prefolds work just as well as fitteds as far as keeping in the mess? If so, which fold works the best? Folds I am familiar with would be: newspaper, jelly roll, and bikini twist. And how many covers and prefolds should we stock up on?
Re: newborn prefold questions
I used newborn covers in the beginning. XS and Size One Thirsties mostly and a few Proraps the service threw in. Then Size Two Thirsties and Blueberries, which are both great! I have a couple of Best Bottoms, but I've had a hard time getting them to cover the whole prefold. The back/flaps never seem big enough. Sucks because they are really cute.
I think for a newborn I'd go with 36 prefolds and wash EOD.
I had 30 NB prefolds. Not sure how many covers. I went a bit crazy. Fitteds seemed too expensive for just the NB phase.