Cloth Diapering

newborn prefold questions

We currently CD our 11 mo. old DD using prefolds (trifolded) and Best Bottom covers.  I am expecting in Jan. and still have some questions regarding CDing the newborn since we didn't do it from the beginning with our last.  I think I have the covers figured out.  Per some previous recommendations I bought some newborn covers in case the BB covers don't fit right away (but am keeping them unwashed w/ the tags on in case the BB covers fit).  Now my next question is: can prefolds work just as well as fitteds as far as keeping in the mess?  If so, which fold works the best?  Folds I am familiar with would be: newspaper, jelly roll, and bikini twist.  And how many covers and prefolds should we stock up on?

Re: newborn prefold questions

  • I managed to get away with a dozen PFs and 10 fitteds with 6 covers for a newborn.  We did laundry every.  Single.  Day.  Sometimes twice a day.  So, if we have a second LO I'll definitely look at getting a few more.  As far as keeping the mess in goes, we didn't have a problem with jelly rolled GMD PFs, but the fitteds made life soooooo much easier, especially for DH.  He can fold a diaper, but never did figure out the Snappi thing.  And GMD NB fitteds are like $6 each, so totally worth it to me.  YMMV since you already have one in PFs.
  • We did angel wing fold from the beginning and it's pretty much the only fold we use when we do prefolds (all we used for the first 13 months). I've had no more than a couple of blowouts, meaning outside the covers.

    I used newborn covers in the beginning. XS and Size One Thirsties mostly and a few Proraps the service threw in.  Then Size Two Thirsties and Blueberries, which are both great! I have a couple of Best Bottoms, but I've had a hard time getting them to cover the whole prefold. The back/flaps never seem big enough. Sucks because they are really cute.

    I think for a newborn I'd go with 36 prefolds and wash EOD.
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  • I have no idea what fold I use. It used to be a jelly roll but then I just started folding it in instead of rolling. Maybe that makes it an angel wing? I've never had a blow out or poop on cover.

    I had 30 NB prefolds. Not sure how many covers. I went a bit crazy. Fitteds seemed too expensive for just the NB phase.
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  • ovenrack said:
    I love love love when someone asks what I want to ask.  I am pregnant, due in January, and a major lurker around here.  I currently have a bunch of different newborn/small covers that I feel okay with.  

    I currently have 15 NB workhorse fitteds, 12 NB prefolds, and another 6 NB prefolds currently being shipped to me.  This will total 33 prefolds/fitteds for the newborn stage... 

    and of course, I have no idea how big this baby is going to be.  I have 24 small prefolds as well... but I'm thinking, based on the above responses, I should put another 6 or so infant/newborn sized prefolds on my registry, just in case.

    Thanks all, as usual, for supplying me information before I even have to ask.  MAGIC.
    You have plenty, even if your baby is big. My LO was a 9-pounder and he still fits just fine in GMD NB prefolds at 3 weeks old. We have two dozen and do laundry about every other day.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hmm this has me thinking I'll add some more workhorses to my registry. ;)
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  • Sorry to hijack-but, what's a good source for learning the different prefold/flat folds?
  • I just you tubed it. There's a ton. It popped up when I watched the CD 101 series
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks-I'll check those out.
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