High-Risk Pregnancy

Threatened Abortion?

 I went to the ER because I just hit 5 weeks and I was starting to bleed somewhat too heavily for me to consider it spotting. They took my blood and urine. They gave me an ultrasound and did a camera search inside of me as well as just a visual with a swab. The doctor told me at the end of it that I have an HCG level of 40 when I should be in the thousands. He pretty much told me to take Tylenol and come back in 3 days for blood work. The entire time I was at the hospital they kept asking about tissue or if I saw any come out. I wasn't told what to look out for or what to expect so I'm not sure if there's even a point in going back for more blood work? Is there any hope left? I've been dead stressed all week now I'm afraid that if I don't go I might have chosen wrong. Can anyone give me any advice on this?

Re: Threatened Abortion?

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    Doc was right, at this stage your beta should be a lot higher. Sometimes when it drops like that it can be a threatened miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Totally hope none of these apply to you and hope you stay pg. I am no doc, this I just my internet surfing from my early pg. Good luck. Def go back
    TTC Since 112010 Naturally. Diagnose:PCOS(ME) + Low Motility(HIM). Started IVF+ICSI Cycle 12312. ER 27 & ET 210 two embies transferred. *BFN 1ST IVF CYCLE.* **Getting as healthy as possible and will try IVFICSI#2 again hopefully in April.** -- HAVE FAITH; LET GO & LET GOD --
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