Our daycare provider just sent me a pic of DS's face and it said "it's been like this since after lunch". It is completely red and blotchy from the nose area down. He has seen a dermatologist in the summer who determined he was allergic to tomatoes (the acid in them). Today for lunch he had a corn dog, tater tots, and peaches. I called the doc and she said benadryl, but if it gets worse later to take him to urgent care. I don't get off for another hour and i'm conflicted on rather I need to go get him or wait it out. She said he has no other symptoms and is acting fine.
Re: WWYD? What could this be?
I read this:
Grass Allergy: People with grass allergy may react to peaches, celery, tomatoes, melons, and oranges, according to the AAAAI.
Also this study shows that people who are allergic to peaches are highly allergic to tomatoes:
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12