Baby Names

More girl name help please?

Gah we are still undecided on a name for this girl!  But I think we may be getting closer...

My personal favorite is still Lucy Claire.  But DH is kinda meh on it.  For months he has been saying no to Ella and then all of a sudden he suggested it the other day.  I could strangle him right now.  Anyway, here's the top contenders at the moment:

Lucy Claire
Ella Louise
Ella Claire
Norah Louise

We still have others on our list in case we meet her and none of these "fit" but I have a strong suspicion it will be Ella Louise or Ella Claire.  

So my questions for you all are:
1.  Her real name will be Ella but what do you think of calling her Ellie?  I have a natural preference for names ending in "ie" but I'm undecided on this one.

2.  How does Ella/Ellie sound with the sibset- Gavin and Sophie?

3.  Any preference on Ella Louise or Ella Claire?  FYI- we have 3 grandmothers named "Louise" so I kind of like using that to honor them but it's not set in stone.






Re: More girl name help please?

  • I like them all, but my favorite is Ella Louise.  I love the name Ella and I love that Louise honors 3 grandmothers.  With Gavin and Sophie, I think I would stick with just Ella.  Maybe Elle for a nn?  Ellie sounds fine as a sibset, but Sophie and Ellie are just to rhymey for my taste.
    BFP 1/8/10, MC 1/15/10 | BFP 3/20/10, MC 6/24/10 | BFP 12/13/10...EDD 8/22/11...DD born 6/7/11 @ 29 weeks 1 day Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ella Louise is so pretty, but I personally have a problem with how freaking popular it is.  What about Elodie Claire & call her Ellie?

    Otherwise, I do really like Lucy Claire.  I think Lucy is adorable.

    Hmmm... Ella is farther up on the popular list than I realized- sitting at number 12.  But then again... Gavin and Sophie are also higher than I realized!  I swear, they weren't that high when we picked them... Grrrr.  






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  • Ella Louise is so pretty, but I personally have a problem with how freaking popular it is.  What about Elodie Claire & call her Ellie?

    Otherwise, I do really like Lucy Claire.  I think Lucy is adorable.

    Hmmm... Ella is farther up on the popular list than I realized- sitting at number 12.  But then again... Gavin and Sophie are also higher than I realized!  I swear, they weren't that high when we picked them... Grrrr.  
    I feel your pain.  Liam is no longer an option in my mind.  Millions of other people beat me to it :).
    I loved William/Liam too!  My maiden name was Williams so I liked the idea of using that for a boy.  But yeah... it got crazy popular around here so we had to dump it.  I don't really mind using names on the "popular 100" list but I like them to be ranked 20 or lower.  Of course, I also have to remind myself that not picking a name just b/c its on that list is almost as bad as picking one b/c it IS on the list.  Catch 22.






  • If you like Ellie, just call her Ellie, not Ella.

    I am loving Norah Louise btw!
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