Hi everyone!! I am currently 15 weeks pregnant with twins and am curious to see what everyone's second ob appt with twins was like. I have my second appt scheduled this Friday.
At 9 weeks we discovered we were having twins. The Dr used a portable ultrasound machine that didn't have the ability to hear the heart beat however was able to count the heart rates. I don't have another a scheduled ultrasound outside of her office until January! That would mean I won't be able to see them til the babies are 20 weeks.
When I went for my first appt the nurse mentioned that all other ultrasounds will be done in out of her office. What was your second visit like?? Did your Dr express concern to do another one then? I get so nervous praying that everything is ok!!
Re: Second follow up appt for twins
So basically, I had my first OB appt around 7w, a dating u/s two days later at an imaging place, another OB appt around 11w (no u/s or Doppler) and an nt scan at 12w at the hospital/MFM consult. No u/s again until 20w since my boys are di/di.
I think you will find everyone is different- we used IVF to conceive so I had u/s at 6 ( at RE), 9(at OB), 12,14, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 weeks. Weeks 12-34 were at my MFM practice- they did the NT scan, the anatomy scan, and growth scans- along with vaginal u/s scans to check my cervical length and manual cervical checks. My boys were di-di so in the world of twins- less risky- but they were very proactive and wanted to really keep an eye on twin pregnancies.
My second OB visit was at 9 weeks- she did an u/s to in her words "get a look at them" but I was pretty sure she wanted to make sure they were both still there.
Every two wks to OB and every 2 wks to MFM for cervical checks and growth u/s. Starts every wk at either wk 26-28.
I had more u/s's than I can count. Every time at the OB, she used an u/s just to check heartbeats instead of the doppler. She referred me to an MFM right away, and I saw them every couple weeks for 3 or 4 appts starting at 12 or 13 weeks. They confirmed TTTS at 18 weeks, so I had surgery and follow up u/s appts at the MFM weekly for four weeks. Then I went back to every two weeks for a while, then twice a week for NST/BPP monitoring for the last two months of my pregnancy. Not every u/s was a growth scan, they did those no more than every other week.
I'd ask about being followed by an MFM as well at your next appt. Plus if you want early screening done, you need to do the NT scan by 14 weeks.
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!