I just got Sassy and Mirror flips from the seconds sale... In addition to the Albert and sweet from last week. Uh, and I'm still planning on getting two Capri covers and possibly a simplex from the sale on Friday. Randomly this morning I opened an unused, empty drawer on A's dresser to put some stuff away and found that it wasn't empty, it actually had like seven or eight diapers in there. I have so many diapers that I didn't even realize any of them were missing. Although in my (awful) defense, I've really only been using my flips since I've been too busy (and lazy) to do the much needed repairs to literally 95% of my pockets.
Also, went slightly crazy on my other addiction and got some (I'm going to be honest here, very unnecessary) fabric for BF, and don't even have room on my shelves for it all.
Re: Confessions of an addict
Lol, well I would say I would give you some... BUT I NEED ALL THE FABRIC.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Thanks! I wasn't sure if I was going to cry or not. I can't believe how big she is. It feels like it was just last week that she was born. I absolutely love my toddler snuggles, but I sure miss those newborn snuggles. :x
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
It's sad! I'll never forget when Colton turned 2. I plunged full force into TTC so that I didn't have to think about it haha! Now he's basically grown!
Lol, well I would say I would give you some... BUT I NEED ALL THE FABRIC.
My husbands grandma would win. Hands down no contest. She has enough to open her own store!! Ekk
It probably takes up 15'x10'x7' tall space. A huge chunk of a basement. And she still bought new fabric for baby blankets. Face palm!