July 2014 Moms

Organic spray Tan??

Would any of you consider this? I'm in a wedding next month and would never ever use a tanning bed but was wondering about an organic spray tan. :)

Re: Organic spray Tan??

  • organic spray tan. :)
    I didn't even know there was such an animal. For one lone event, I would consider it. I wouldn't use something like that every day but if I had pastey legs and I was going down in history in the wedding albums, sure.
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  • Lol, it's not really an animal :) but I checked the ingredients and I think I would only have them spray my face, chest, and legs. No tummy area cause no one will see that :)
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  • I've been thinking about this too for the same reason. I plan on asking what exactly is in the spray before proceeding. :)

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  • I don't know about the safety on the product your considering, so I'd say keep researching.

    Using a product that could be absorbed into a large surface area of skin without satisfactory information it just feels very vain and unnecessary to me.
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