Pre-School and Daycare

sneakers w/ laces?

my kids have been asking for sneakers w/ laces. they are 4 1/2 and go to preschool full time. in particular DS has been asking b/c he needs a new pair of sneakers but he is really not good w/ fine motor, he took a long time to figure out fork/spoon, hates doing things like dressing himself & really hates practicing letters/ I just don't see him getting tying any time soon. My biggest hesitation is that if the shoes come untied constantly the prek teachers will be stuck re-tying them multiple times a day which I think would be really annoying for them...
So, does your kid wear shoes w/ laces, can s/he tie them & if you do a double knot does it stay pretty well?

Re: sneakers w/ laces?

  • From a preschool teacher, please, please, please do not get him tie shoes. We have many better things to be doing during the day than re-tying shoes and even if you double knot them, they will come out. Plus, we try to encourage independence and it's hard to do that when they can't get their own shoes on.
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  • I would just double knot them.  As long as he's not taking them on and off all day the teachers can help him tie if necessary.  My kids are almost 5, can't tie yet, but have never had tie sneakers. I would get them tie ones next if they wanted them, but they asked for velcro for one more time.  


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  • I like the ones that have laces w/ just the single strap at the top so no tying (like saucony) so maybe i'll just stick with those another year...thanks all ;)
  • ss+elss+el member
    edited December 2013
    I buy DS tie shoes. I got tired of the velcro crapping out long before the shoes did.
    I got him Nikes with the "oval" laces, which seem to stay tied better. I also double-knot them. It is very rare that they come undone.

    He is also obsessed with slip-on canvas shoes, so I bought him a pair of those for the days he has to wear boots to school so no one has to help him back into shoes when he gets inside.

    (ETA - he just turned 5 and is in PreK)
  • Double knotted laces will stay tied pretty much all day.

    My son also had weak fine motor, and he just had to suck it up and wear velcro until he was about 6 when he learned to tie. 
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • -auntie- said:
    DS never owned Velcro sneaks. I just can't.

    DS's preschool never had a rule about them one way or the other, but I could see DCPs how have kids all day transitioning through naps and such having issues with multiple littles and loose laces.

    @meldoo2002 It looks like your kids are wearing little Chucks- do they come in a Velcro version now? The ones DS wore when he was younger laced.  I loved those on him- and on your guys. But DS always went for the all white NBs like his Uncle Don wore to the hospital.
    Ah funny you're right Auntie.  That picture is over a year old at this point.  They did have little Converse.  I used them as their "dress up shoes" because they aren't great on playgrounds or running around, but yes last year when they were 3 they did have them.  Guess it's time to update my sig pic!  They had Vans that tied last year too.  I typically only used both on the rare occasion… always athletic sneakers for daycare and school.  


  • But they do also sell the younger Chucks in velcro now.  


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