my kids have been asking for sneakers w/ laces. they are 4 1/2 and go to preschool full time. in particular DS has been asking b/c he needs a new pair of sneakers but he is really not good w/ fine motor, he took a long time to figure out fork/spoon, hates doing things like dressing himself & really hates practicing letters/ I just don't see him getting tying any time soon. My biggest hesitation is that if the shoes come untied constantly the prek teachers will be stuck re-tying them multiple times a day which I think would be really annoying for them...
So, does your kid wear shoes w/ laces, can s/he tie them & if you do a double knot does it stay pretty well?
Re: sneakers w/ laces?
I got him Nikes with the "oval" laces, which seem to stay tied better. I also double-knot them. It is very rare that they come undone.
He is also obsessed with slip-on canvas shoes, so I bought him a pair of those for the days he has to wear boots to school so no one has to help him back into shoes when he gets inside.
(ETA - he just turned 5 and is in PreK)