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Any threads on ttc without medical intervention?

I'm looking for a ttc thread specifically for those who have decided to forego clomud, iui, ivf, etc. and I haven't seen any. Any advice? Tyia

Re: Any threads on ttc without medical intervention?

  • On this board or in general? there are the Trying to Get Pregnant and Babies on the Brain boards, which have plenty of women who aren't using medical intervention
  • I haven't seen any- you might start your own? We tried a few things before going on clomid (I lost weight, changed my diet, so did DH, LOTS of prayer if you believe in that sort of thing). Our friends also did acupuncture but eventually turned to clomid. Can I ask what your reasons are for wanting to try TTC without meds? Have you received a diagnosis that's lead you to believe you will need medical intervention to conceive? 
    Me: 28 yrs old, diagnosed anovulation   Dh: Perfectly Healthy
    Married in 2008, together 7 years
    TTC since 8/2011
    4/2012 tried 1st round of Clomid @ 50mgs, BFN
    11/2012 tried 2nd round of Clomid @ 50mgs
    BFP on 12/16!!

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