I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and I am very confused by my BD of course lol! So we were only together a month when I got pregnant found out at two months and he left at 3 months pissed I decided to keep the baby and told me I chose to keep the baby I need to be prepaired to do it alone because he did not want the baby and could barely take care of his first son (which I didnt know about) So I carried on with life and became confident in the fact that I could do this without him because I have alot of love and support around me and that there was no reason I couldnt meet someone new that would be an amzing inluence on my son. Well when I was 5 months pregnant he popped back up texting me that he was sorry that he finally told his family and important people around him (still not his other BM) that he wanted to make things work with me cause thats what was right blah blah blah......needless to say I gave it another shot we went a like three weeks of things being great and than the weekend came on that third week and BAM back to oh we are moving to fast we need to work on our friendship (which I said first) and he doesnt want to commit because he is scared and it doesnt feel right and he has never really been single .....So we went back to not talking for 2 more weeks and again he texts me saying he misses me wants things back how they were and misses being able to touch my belly ect. So we did the whole thing again (stupid I know) and again the weekend comes up a few weeks later and I dont hear from him and he is back treating me like im nothing again. I do love him and would ultimately want to be with him and have a family but he is so up and down!!!! Has anyone else been through this and what did the final outcome look like. I'm confused, lost, hurt, still in love, but fed up all at the same time!!!
Re: Confused by BD
I think your best off kicking him to the curb since you are a strong woman cabable of doing it on your own.
Welcome to the board btw