How do you have your cd's/accessories organized? Bonus points for PIPs

Do you have little baskets around the house with a couple changes like you see everyone recommend for sposies?
Also, our house is two stories-master on main where baby will be for a while I anticipate. I'd like to have a second changing station downstairs for convienience. Surely I'm not the only one with this setup-how do you separate your stash if you have two changing areas?
Re: what does your diaper changing area look like?
I have pockets in one basket, prefolds in one, covers in one, inserts and fleece liners in one, and wet bags and spare CJ's in one.
My diaper wardrobe
Changing table
Drawer 1 contains my pockets, AIO's, and fitteds
Drawer 2 has inserts, covers, liners, and wetbags
My shelves in my wardrobe have Flip inserts, prefolds, flats, and wipes.
As for my changing area I have my wipe warmer on top of the wardrobe and I store things like creams and stuff in the bins in the changing table.
We are in a small cottage kind of style house...we used the bathroom countertop for changes when he was <6months then we put the bassinet mattress on the dresser in his room and use that for changing. I use a premium sized Osocozy prefold as a changing mat cover and the extra ones are his "pillow" while being changed. I keep wipes and baby "toiletries" in the upper left drawer and I am needing to re-vamp my diaper storage since I recently bought GMD red prefolds - and he's still using the BB medium inserts.
The container I have his assembled diapers in fit on the toilet tank perfectly when he was being changed in the bathroom. I wet the wipes in the sink then, now I use a wipe container to hold the wipe while I wet it with the peri bottle from when he was born.
A mop bucket on the floor is what dirty diapers go into until wash time.
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
So with DS2 we skipped the changing table/pad and just bought 4 cute changing pads to use on the floor/couch/bed. One for the diaper bag, one for our room (where he slept the first few months), one for the main floor and one for the basement.
We rarely use the basement during the winter. So I keep the diapers I don't like and ones that are wearing out down there. When he wasn't STTN we kept easy night diapers in a little basket under my bedside table. Now we keep ON diapers in his top dresser drawer with his pjs. Prefolds, snap pockets, covers, and now flats get stored in a plastic drawer tower thing in the nursery on the main floor. My aplix diapers get stuffed and stored in his three daycare wetbags and put in his closet until they are needed. I have four best bottoms, one flip, and four applecheeks that get rotated between the diaper bag and main floor use.
We keep a spray bottle, cloth wipes, and a small coconut oil or EMAB bottom balm at each station. I have a large wetbag upstairs and two small ones that get used downstairs and in the diaper bag.
Diaper stacker has sposies for just in case stuff. Wetbag hangs for dirty storage and I alternate wetbag with the can/pillow case storage for now. Dekor diaper pail we used when using sposies for first several weeks, now just used for reg garbage.
we had a station up in his room too, but it never gets used. He only sleeps in his room. We even moved his clothes downstairs. He is a messy little guy and needs an outfit change more than once a day.
<a href="" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
Pardon the low quality; cell phone picture + low lighting will do that.
Top: changing station overview.
Left: 3 baskets that hold all of our (small) stash + disposables (hidden at the back) and liners. First drawer holds currently fitting clothes, second drawer holds PJs and socks/leg warmers.
Middle: top shelf - cloth wipes; second shelf - Huggies wipes; third shelf - misc; fourth shelf - wrap carrier.
Right: Disposables and cloth pails. The cloth pail is a vintage metal trashcan revamped.
There is also a shelf above the changing table where we put creams and lotions, medication, hair brush and spare pacis.
Now that he is older, I mostly take him upstairs to change his diaper b/c it needs doing less frequently. Sometimes if it's just a pee diaper, I grab the gear from the diaper bag and a clean diaper from the laundry room and change him in the floor downstairs somewhere.
I never wanted a changing table. But when I saw it, I had to have it. The baskets are fun, the drawers are just as roomy as a dresser's, and still having everything handy is amazing!
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019