Cloth Diapering

what does your diaper changing area look like?

How do you have your cd's/accessories organized? Bonus points for PIPs :)

Do you have little baskets around the house with a couple changes like you see everyone recommend for sposies?

Also, our house is two stories-master on main where baby will be for a while I anticipate. I'd like to have a second changing station downstairs for convienience. Surely I'm not the only one with this setup-how do you separate your stash if you have two changing areas?

Re: what does your diaper changing area look like?

  • I have the main stash downstairs on a cheap diaper cart. In our bedroom is the pnp. She sleeps in the napper so I stash a few diapers there, some cream, flannel liners if needed, water bottle, and baby wash clothes. I need to repack the diaper bag and put some diapers in there again, but don't know which ones. Possibly my flips.
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  • We use a changing pad laid out on the sofa downstairs with folded flats stacked on the coffee table and pocket diapers in a bin under the table.
    We have a change pad and a few pocket diapers upstairs in the nursery, mostly for his first change in the morning.
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  • We have a split entry with all of our bedrooms and main living space upstairs, so we always change at the changing table in her room.

    I have pockets in one basket, prefolds in one, covers in one, inserts and fleece liners in one, and wet bags and spare CJ's in one.

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  • I keep all of LOs overnight and diapers in his dresser in his bedroom as well as  about 1/3 of his daytime diapers, so I can change him in the morning. The diapers take up the top drawer of his dresser. 
    I keep extra wipes, and liners and inserts, spray, ect  in the second drawer.
    We have a square 'blanket basket' from Target in our living room where I keep the rest of his daytime diapers, as well as a waterproof changing pad, wipes, wetbag, diaper cream ect.. We spend the majority of our time downstairs, so I needed a second area, and I love that because it is a blanket basket if I have company over, I just throw a nice blanket over the top of the basket and it looks like decoration not diapers. 

  • edited December 2013
    Ok, I'm mixing some old and new pics here. However, this is how mine are organized.

    My diaper wardrobe

    Changing table

    Drawer 1 contains my pockets, AIO's, and fitteds

    Drawer 2 has inserts, covers, liners, and wetbags

    My shelves in my wardrobe have Flip inserts, prefolds, flats, and wipes.

    As for my changing area I have my wipe warmer on top of the wardrobe and I store things like creams and stuff in the bins in the changing table.
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  • @ringready I like the blanket basket idea. I love all the pics of cd changing tables. I'm already obsessed with fluff and LO won't be here for another 3 or so months. You guys are enablers. Thanks. ;)
  • We are in a small cottage kind of style house...we used the bathroom countertop for changes when he was <6months then we put the bassinet mattress on the dresser in his room and use that for changing.  I use a premium sized Osocozy prefold as a changing mat cover and the extra ones are his "pillow" while being changed. I keep wipes and baby "toiletries" in the upper left drawer and I am needing to re-vamp my diaper storage since I recently bought GMD red prefolds - and he's still using the BB medium inserts.

    The container I have his assembled diapers in fit on the toilet tank perfectly when he was being changed in the bathroom. I wet the wipes in the sink then, now I use a wipe container to hold the wipe while I wet it with the peri bottle from when he was born.

    A mop bucket on the floor is what dirty diapers go into until wash time.

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
  • edited December 2013
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  • We had a whole fancy changing area for DS1 that we only used until he was like 6 months old and started trying to fight us and roll off the table.

    So with DS2 we skipped the changing table/pad and just bought 4 cute changing pads to use on the floor/couch/bed. One for the diaper bag, one for our room (where he slept the first few months), one for the main floor and one for the basement.

    We rarely use the basement during the winter. So I keep the diapers I don't like and ones that are wearing out down there. When he wasn't STTN we kept easy night diapers in a little basket under my bedside table. Now we keep ON diapers in his top dresser drawer with his pjs. Prefolds, snap pockets, covers, and now flats get stored in a plastic drawer tower thing in the nursery on the main floor. My aplix diapers get stuffed and stored in his three daycare wetbags and put in his closet until they are needed. I have four best bottoms, one flip, and four applecheeks that get rotated between the diaper bag and main floor use.

    We keep a spray bottle, cloth wipes, and a small coconut oil or EMAB bottom balm at each station. I have a large wetbag upstairs and two small ones that get used downstairs and in the diaper bag.

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  • We have one changing station, a changing pad on a dresser in DD's room, since we live in an apartment. I have two foldable cloth storage baskets next to the pad. One holds the cloth wipes, CJ's butter, and spray bottle for wipe solution. The other has her clothes in it--we live somewhere warm, so we only use onesies and they all fit. 

    The wet bag hangs on the doorknob next to the dresser. Over the back of the door we have a shoe organizer that I put the diapers in. I love our system, but alas, no pics since LO is already in bed tonight.
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  • I do not care for the changer/combo but it is what we got! :) I keep bg's in one basket, BB's in next basket, misc in third basket. Extra inserts below in other baskets.
    Diaper stacker has sposies for just in case stuff. Wetbag hangs for dirty storage and I alternate wetbag with the can/pillow case storage for now. Dekor diaper pail we used when using sposies for first several weeks, now just used for reg garbage. :) oh and dirty clothes hamper in corner. I feel I'm kinda ghetto on some stuff yet but I'm learning and building and having fun!!

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  • This is our changing table. There is a spray bottle and wipes in the basket on the top. The pocket diapers are in the laundry hamper next to the table. The prefolds and covers are in the top drawer. The dirty bag hangs on the doorknob.image
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  • we keep most of our diapers in a closet downstairs. wipes are in a basket. the "easy" velcro pockets are in a drawer of a little plastic 3 drawer thing we keep next to the pack n play. my husband and I change diapers on a lamb skin on the floor in the family room. the pack and play is set up for the babysitter. We like the floor because you can leave baby there for naked time while you go put away or rinse diapers. we just feel it is safer.

    we had a station up in his room too, but it never gets used. He only sleeps in his room. We even moved his clothes downstairs. He is a messy little guy and needs an outfit change more than once a day.
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  • This was super helpful. Thanks!

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  • @SecretAgentKate I've been looking for a drying rack like that but haven't found one that looks that big, where did you get it?
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  • MandmeeshMandmeesh member
    edited December 2013
    My cd diaper obsession (okay, there's no denying it anymore ) has me stacking diapers on the next level shelves on my diaper cart. I used to be able to use the two top shelves, but now they're expanding onto the two middle shelves. I anticipate that the bottom shelves will be filled soon :) edit typo
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  • We have a changing area in our bedroom.  I use a PNP for now.  The top of my dresser has most of our stuff, but one basket (the one with pocket diapers) is on the floor.  We have a basket each for Osocozy prefolds, Econobum prefolds. covers (Flips and Econobum), pockets (a few BGs and mostly Alvas). and a small basket for wipes. Accessories like CJs and lotion are loose on the dresser. We have a pail and a small can.
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  • We switched to cloth a few months ago and that meant reorganizing the whole changing station to fit our new "lifestyle"... This is the final result. It's now our only spot throughout the house.

    Pardon the low quality; cell phone picture + low lighting will do that.

    Top: changing station overview.
    Left: 3 baskets that hold all of our (small) stash + disposables (hidden at the back) and liners. First drawer holds currently fitting clothes, second drawer holds PJs and socks/leg warmers.
    Middle: top shelf - cloth wipes; second shelf - Huggies wipes; third shelf - misc; fourth shelf - wrap carrier.
    Right: Disposables and cloth pails. The cloth pail is a vintage metal trashcan revamped.

    There is also a shelf above the changing table where we put creams and lotions, medication, hair brush and spare pacis.
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  • When DS was a NB, I had two areas for changing. Most of the diapers went upstairs in his dresser with his main changing area. Our secondary area was in the living room. We had a PNP in there next to a small side table with wicker baskets. In it I kept a box of wipes, several diapers, a receiving blanket (for changing pad), a set or two of extra clothes. I had a diaper pail in his room as well as the downstairs laundry room.

    Now that he is older, I mostly take him upstairs to change his diaper b/c it needs doing less frequently. Sometimes if it's just a pee diaper, I grab the gear from the diaper bag and a clean diaper from the laundry room and change him in the floor downstairs somewhere.


  • @Pearls+Oysters do you mind me asking where you purchased the changing table? It's gorgeous!
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  • here is our area! We use her dresser for her clothes and then have a shelf above where I put all of our diapers. I usually have a wet bag hanging off of one of the dresser knobs.


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  • @GerardSyreeta We bought it from a local baby store, it is manufactured by South Shore Furniture here in Canada. We changed the knobs to match my 30 year old dressers ;)

    I never wanted a changing table. But when I saw it, I had to have it. The baskets are fun, the drawers are just as roomy as a dresser's, and still having everything handy is amazing!
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  • All I have on the changing table is spray bottles and the changing pad. We hang our wet bag to the right. Top drawer of dresser has pockets, wipes, cream, and NB prefolds (burp cloths). Second drawer has extra inserts, fitteds/nighttime diapers, covers, and small prefolds. We also store extra wet bags in there. We only have one changing station - I've actually never changed her anywhere else in my house, it's just easier to go back there. I do keep my diaper bag stocked with diapers, wipes, extra cream and prefolds, etc etc. 

    Also, this post has made me decide to store my diapers upside down instead of right side up - they look much better!
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  • @Robi1 - Can I just say that I love the colors in your stash? I don't mind pinks and purples, but I do really gravitate toward blues and greens. I'm afraid if I ever have a DD, she'll only get pink stuff from relatives.


  • mrshudson618mrshudson618 member
    edited December 2013
    We have a smallish ranch so just the station in his room. We got baskets from hoblob. The largest basket on top has stacked prefolds, med on top has covers, small has snappis, cjs, pins, etc. The bottom baskets have empty pockets, inserts, and sposies. On the dresser beside the table is another basket filled with dry wipes and the spray bottle.
    I love my system because there is no folding. Pockets are just for nights, so I don't prestuff. Everything has its baskets, but aside from stacking prefolds I just toss in and go.

    ETA: I think the sposie basket is going to go since our nightimes are working so well now. I may use it to separate hemp and mf inserts or something. 
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  • @robi1-where did you get your drawer divider/organizer bins? I second @unaveragejane I love the colors in your stash very calming :)
  • Pearls+Oysters The changing table my in-laws ordered for us is also made by South Shore! It is the Little Smileys. But I like yours better lol.

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  • Finally got around to adding pics. I hope they're right side up... imageimage
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  • @MEjack1 - IKEA! I love the drawer dividers, use them for everything!! 
    @unaveragejane - Thanks! I love the colors too. We got all neutral before she was born (team green). No one else bought any diapers for us, so we didn't have to worry about pinks. I'm glad I'll be able to use my stash for a boy as well. I am totally getting the new BG prints soon, and some of those are a little girlier. I might get a Lovelace too...
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