Cloth Diapering

Three FTM CD Questions

linzandjer11linzandjer11 member
edited December 2013 in Cloth Diapering
Hey there ladies! I am preparing for baby #1 coming in a few months and would looooove to do cloth diapers. I have 3 questions:

A) I just registered for g diapers, based on a friend's recommendation. Based on some lurking, should I delete them from my baby registry? Which brand should I replace them with?

B) What do you store dirty inserts in before they get washed? Hamper? Bag?

C) Do you have a sprayer attachment for your toilet? If not, what do you do with, ahem, very dirty diapers?

(Sorry if these should have been three separate posts or if I should have lurked more.)

Re: Three FTM CD Questions

  • There's a FAQs thread at the top of the board that is extremely helpful and gives so much information on starting out. It even has a breakdown on different brands/types of diapers.
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  • I just discovered it! Thanks! I'm sure you ladies get this all the time. Sorry!
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  • Watch Cloth Diapering 101. For myself personally I prefer OS Bum Genius 4.0 pockets for the most part. I have pretty much every style and kind of diaper in my stash though. Newborns do need different diapers than when they are bigger. Nor newborns I like fitteds and prefolds with covers. I stick all my diapers in the a hanging wet bag and when it's full every other day I wash them. Also,you only have to spray diapers once they start solids. Formula and BM poops are water soluble.
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  • Watch Cloth Diapering 101. For myself personally I prefer OS Bum Genius 4.0 pockets for the most part. I have pretty much every style and kind of diaper in my stash though. Newborns do need different diapers than when they are bigger. Nor newborns I like fitteds and prefolds with covers. I stick all my diapers in the a hanging wet bag and when it's full every other day I wash them. Also,you only have to spray diapers once they start solids. Formula and BM poops are water soluble.

    Yup. All this... except I don't actually like BumGenius. I know you'll hear it quite a bit, but you really might want to try a few different brands/styles to figure out what you like (that includes GDiapers... they do work for some people!). Our favorite brands are Fuzzibunz, Rumparooz, Grovia, and TotsBots.
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  • I've never tried gdiapers. I currently have happy heineys, rumparooz, bum genius 4.0, freetimes, and elementals. Ihave best bottoms, tot bots, and blueberry, and grovia.

    My favorite diapers are my 4.0, and my tot bots. I like how rumparooz are made, and i want to love them but i don't because they are too bulky on my lo. Best bottoms are my favorite ai2 system. I currently hate grovia. my lo leaks all the time, so i don't even put him in them. I keep them though in hopes he can grow into them, same with my rumparooz, i hope when he's bigger they are less bulky.

    As far as where to store dirties, i use a planet wise pail liner and use a regular kitchen trash can with swing lid. I have 2 pail liners. I also have a planet wise wet/dry bag in medium in my diaper bag. I use that to store dirties while I'm out of the house. I also have a small wet bag that I use when I'm out if I'm only gonna be gone a few hours. When i get home i empty my wet bags into my diaper pail.

    As far as a diaper sprayer, i just had my husband make one. It is cheaper and so far I've had zero issue with leaks. We haven't really started solids so i really don't need the sprayer yet. My lo is ebf, so i just throw his diapers into the wash as is. I do a cold rinse, and a hot wash with detergent, and another cold rinse. I typically line dry my diapers, but on occasion i will throw into the dryer, and dry on LOW heat.

    Good luck!! I'm still new to cloth diapering, I've only been doing it since aug. I love it though!!

  • freezorburnfreezorburn member
    edited December 2013
    A) I just registered for g diapers, based on a friend's recommendation. Based on some lurking, should I delete them from my baby registry? Which brand should I replace them with?  

    As PP said, gDiapers work for some people. I'm a big fan of diaper trials. You never know what will work for you until you try them. There are diaper trials that give you a mix of things, and there are diaper trials that you can customize yourself. At the very least it's a good idea to try a few prefolds, fitteds, pockets and AIOs. Lots of people like prefolds and fitteds at the NB stage, and then stock up on pockets/AIOs for their OS stash, especially if LO is going to be in daycare or something. Flats are also a really great option for some people.  

    ETA: my favorite brands: Greenmountaindiapers for flats and prefolds. Thirsties and Blueberries for covers. Grovia Kiwi Pie fitteds, Sbish, and I'm sure I will love the Twinkie Tush I recently ordered. Pockets - meh. I have a few different brands, they work okay, but I don't love them enough to recommend them. AIO - Simplex OS.

    B) What do you store dirty inserts in before they get washed? Hamper? Bag?  

    I use a locking step can (simplehuman) with a Kissaluvs pail liner. It has a fabric tag inside that I put a drop each of lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree essential oils on. And of course wetbags for the diaper bag.   Note: the step can is NOT airtight, nor do I want it to be. It breathes enough to keep the diapers from stinking. I got it because I was worried the dog would be interested in dirty diapers. Turns out he is not. However, now that DS is mobile and exploring the world, he definitely is.

    C) Do you have a sprayer attachment for your toilet? If not, what do you do with, ahem, very dirty diapers?  

    I do not have a sprayer attachment. Pre-solid food, poopy diapers just go straight in the wash, the poo is water soluble. After solid food, poo changes consistency and has to go in the toilet. If it's not ploppable, I hold the diaper in the toilet and flush. For really bad ones I use a Diaper Duck.  And I have a special piece of curved plastic for scraping when necessary. When not in use the Diaper Duck lives in the potty that we're not using yet.

  • A) My suggestion is to not stock up on any kind until you are sure you will like them.  Picking what brand/type is a very personal preference kind of thing.  Try a few, when you find what works then stock up.  I like cotton prefolds with a cover.

    B) I have a regular trash can with a Planet Wise pail liner in the garage.  I also have a hanging PW wet/dry bag in the nursery which I empty into the can every day.

    C) I use flushable liners.  They lay on top of the prefold, solids sit on top, liquids go through and soak into the diaper.  Once soiled I drop the liner and mess into the toilet and put the diaper in the wet bag.  On the occasion that I run out of liners or forget to put one in, I have to dunk and swish.
  • 1) There are better diapers out there for the money than gDiapers. I think there are like two moms on here who have had good luck with them.

    2) I use a FuzziBunz hanging wet pail because I don't have the floor space for a can/pail liner set up.

    3) No sprayer here. Prior to starting solids everything is water soluble. Just toss everything in the washer and the prewash will take care of it all. Now I just scrape everything into the toilet. It's NBD.
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  • I really like gDiapers. I wouldn't use them exclusively, but they're comparable to Flip or GroVia hybrid systems, a lot of people like them for when they're out and about and want to be able to toss the dirty inserts. Just don't expect to be able to re-use the covers many times, because they pretty much always get wet/dirty within one or two uses, contrary to what gDiapers claim.

    Everyone's already given you good advice, so I won't repeat the bit about trying lots of stuff. I personally used mostly BG Elementals (the old kind, though, before they were called that) and had no problems at all. 
  • It is hard to say, people either love or hate Gdiapers....I am on team loath with a burning passion.  You can get a diaper sprayer that attaches to your toilet.  And you will need a wetbag and a diaper pail with liner.  Good Luck and do watch the links PPs provided. 
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