Cloth Diapering

To anyone wondering if NB CDs are worth it

shan417shan417 member
edited December 2013 in Cloth Diapering
We are using sposies until DS's circ heals.  We just opened out 5th package of diapers since we got home Tuesday evening.  That's about 80 diapers already used, in 4.5 days (minus a couple that are in the diaper bag).  So let's say an average of 15 a day.

15 a day x $0.25 a diaper x 30 days = $112.50

I paid $114 for my newborn stash and it will last me longer than 30 days.  Plus I can use it for a second kid, and have already gotten plenty of use out of them as burp cloths and laying them on the changing pad. 

Just thought I'd share because I know a lot of people ask if NB cloth is worth the investment.  This also doesn't take the cost of wipes into account.

And a pic for your trouble :)

Re: To anyone wondering if NB CDs are worth it

  • I love his little face!
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  • He is a cutie!!

    I know that just the pail filled with a heap of disposables grossed me out so much.  But a pail of cloth is just laundry :)
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  • I did pockets and aio. May not have saved as much, but way less blowouts. And they are way cuter.
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  • Good breakdown.  I CD mainly for money and cuteness, but that first week I had an entire garbage bag of disposibles. Yuck!

    FWIW I've never had a blowout in cloth, and her NB prefolds are barely Snappi-ing!
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  • Such a cutie! We also spent almost $150 on disposables in the first 3 weeks before we switched to cloth...and my NB stash was under $200, including pail liners and wet bags!

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  • My NB stash was $150 (kawaii P&N pockets)--we've definitely saved already at 9 weeks.
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  • You have really given us something to think about.  We had a baby last Dec. 2012 and didn't start cloth diapering until she was bigger and fit into a one size.  We are currently expecting this Jan. 2014 and were planning on doing the same thing.  But seeing your post has given me and my husband something else to consider.  We are pretty sure we will take the plunge to CD right from the start.  Thanks!
  • Yes! Your nb stash will pay for itself within the first week! I've Sold all but a few of my nb diapers and made most of my money back. I spent about $160 and it was so worth it to me :)

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  • kklamb10 said:

    He is precious! I second buying a nb stash. I just bought some newborn covers to use with prefolds. If it weren't for the cloth we'd be changing his outfits every time he poops! I have yet to have cloth leak. Except for the one time I didn't have the prefold tucked into the cover and luckily he was only w little wet so I wasn't a big deal at all.

    Every time we have a leak, which is at least once a day, I think how much I can't wait to use my cloth.
  • Wow, 30 Love Its! I feel like I'm slowly outgrowing my newbness :)
  • You suckered us in with a pic of your adorable little squish.
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  • Yes I definately agree! LO went through SO MANY in the early days I just kept thinking thank goodness we are not using sposies!
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