Hey. Lady. What are you up to? Still being a softie since you are still preggo? (I use that term just bc I know how much you love botbers). Lucas is shoving a block in my eye.
Well, yes, come to think of it you DO need this baby to come tonight. Insurance switch over, no? Not to mention tax deduction... Anyways, the next time you go to the bathroom, take a cookie with you and try and bribe him out. You get the picture? I tried with cookies and steak. Jk. Come to find out if I would have stuck a sucker up my vagina, this boy would have come running out. A little graphic, huh? Other than that I am sure you have been trying all the old wives tales.
That is how in was. My sil and I were due 3 days apart. Needless to say she ended up having her daughter a month before I had Lucas. Sooo not fair I knew I had to wait until insurance for him kicked in, but once I got to that point I was so done. And had to wait forever. Inductions suck, huh? Are you going to be able to stay awake until midnight tonight? Do you have a nestie contact person? (like this should be your primary concern in the event you go into labor!) ....and a police car in my eye. WTH?....
I do not have a contact, but I have a laptop connected to my lap at all times.
I will NOT be induced ever again! NO!
I have a fantasy that I wait too long and he is born at home, then we go to the hospital to have them make sure all is well ( all ends up being fine in this fantasy) and then I go back home. no stupid nurses waking me up to play squash the uterus every 2 hours, no monitors or stupid hospital beds...
ahh...I think I could handle it. people do. in places..like fields...
Haven't you read the hot topic down at the bottom that she delivered her own baby? you could do it! I like your fantasy. I can just see you, T-Rex, put in a field birthing baby T-Rex.
Damn. Lucas just came and held his man parts and said owie. I felt his diaper and he was dry. Just now I figured out that he must have meant 'mom! My penis hurts! I must need to pee!' Because now he is wet. Anyhoo. Get that baby outta there. MH just started a movie.
Re: Oooooo. Bof.
I just got my glasses shoved into my eyes!!
I am so DONE being preggo. preggosaurus rex, they call me...because I have really short arms... ( not really. )
what should I do to try to bring on the labor? I need it to happen before tomorrow.
and I am not a softie. so shut up. please.
I have a big head and little arms!
oh my god, how did you get a picture of me naked?!?
and yes. I would not be above shoving food up there to entice the little beast..
and yeah, my ins. changes on the 1st, so I would like him out by then ( I think I am not going to win, though..
I will be totally at peace waiting him out after today- I am pretty crampy though...but that is not much to go on.
I do not have a contact, but I have a laptop connected to my lap at all times.
I will NOT be induced ever again! NO!
I have a fantasy that I wait too long and he is born at home, then we go to the hospital to have them make sure all is well ( all ends up being fine in this fantasy) and then I go back home. no stupid nurses waking me up to play squash the uterus every 2 hours, no monitors or stupid hospital beds...
ahh...I think I could handle it. people do. in places..like fields...