
Once Upon A Time - Baby Henry discussion (Possible spoilers)

myskyegirlmyskyegirl member
edited December 2013 in Parenting
Can we discuss the fact that in every scene with baby Henry he was only STRAPPED IN ONCE and it was for all of 5mins.  Even when she was carrying him he wasn't strapped in and then they left him on the bed unsupervised in the hospital.  WTF.  

Re: Once Upon A Time - Baby Henry discussion (Possible spoilers)

  • Omg, I made comments the entire time annoying hubby!! They left the baby on that exam table and walked away, don't even get me started on the car seat. If I would have been that baby's mother on the set I would not have been ok. They should have shown him strapped in, some stupid people in this world are going to think it's ok since they saw it on tv.
    And I'm done with Pan as well. He really really pisses me off, I think I'm just about done with the whole series as Pan ticks me off to no end. I end the episode extremely pissed every time
  • I just wonder what will happen as Regina enchanted Henry's heart to never be stolen. Wasn't that after Pan switched bodies with him?

    If this whole thing kills off Rumplestiltskin, I will be so pissed.

    I'm no expert here, but my DH and I think that Pan switched bodies with Henry when Rumple was bringing pan into Pandora's box. There is some funky thing that shows in both Henry's and Pans eyes at that time, so I think that's when it happens. That just my thoughts though.


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