I had to take a hiatus, I felt I needed to clear my head and focus my energy on the long process of DS's evaluations, and facing certain outcomes...as well as focus on the impending birth of his little sister - I hope you understand. Also I think DH & I facing 4yrs of unanswered questions, caused some highs and lows in our emotional state...I'm glad we are at the end of the road on the eval process - but it has caused for many sleepless nights; I'm not sure if this is a common reaction to eval's, but man its been a rollercoaster...
I wanted to give you an update though, since its been months...
DS has ADHD (and possibly some anxiety & ODD signs). A full gammut of tests were conducted (IQ, LD's, ASD, etc). THere have been several q&a's with us (his parents) as well as his teachers too. Its been several months, and we're emotionally tired - our last appointment re: the eval is next week.
The doctor was quite impressed with my knowledge of the dx process, and my knowledge of the probable outcome if I had placed DS into the schools earlier - when DS's difficulties were at their peak. The doctor proceeded to tell me I can get a copy of DS's entire file (including all testing which had been conducted), and an evaluation report so that we could provide the findings to FDLRS, so DS could have the best transition possible when he gets into kindergarten. Due to DS's defiance issues (some ODD may be present as a direct result of his experiences) a smaller class setting may be suitable for him until he could get a better handle on things, emotionally.
I'm so happy we have a good team around DS - as the doctor confirmed early intervention is the key to helping young children! I'm glad we went the medical dx route, so we have clear cut answers to what exactly we are dealing with when it comes to DS - its been 4+yrs of unanswered questions!
Re: ::Update in Comments:: I had to take a hiatus.
I can understand how draining the eval process and unanswered questions can be. I hope things go well with getting all the services he needs and then transitioning to Kindy.