DH and i decided to expand our family! We started ttc with baby #2 last month, so i just wanted to hear your stories on how long it took to conceive #2 compared to conceiving #1? It's just so exciting to even think of having more kids!
lol. For us it only took the 1st time after having James. At 8wks pp. Of course we weren't planning on getting pregnant that soon but I guess when you forget to use protection because you're drunk(grandma took kids for the night) it happens. We were going to start trying at 6 months pp so it just happened about 4 months sooner than expected. And now almost 7 months in I don't think I would change anything at all.
Now with James it took almost 7 months ttc to get pregnant.
(clarification James and Alexander are our children together. Our 2 older children are from previous relationships.)
#1 took 19 months and several rounds of fertility treatments. #2 took 1 try after my first PP AF.
This board is bias. If it took people a long time to concieve #2 then they probably wouldn't have 2u2.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) #1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo #2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015 #4!!!!!!! due June 2017
#1 took 19 months and several rounds of fertility treatments. #2 took 1 try after my first PP AF.
This board is bias. If it took people a long time to concieve #2 then they probably wouldn't have 2u2.
I figured it would be lol. Two under 2 is what we want. Well we dont always get what we want but we can try lol.
#1 took 19 months and several rounds of fertility treatments. #2 took 1 try after my first PP AF.
This board is bias. If it took people a long time to concieve #2 then they probably wouldn't have 2u2.
I figured it would be lol. Two under 2 is what we want. Well we dont always get what we want but we can try lol.
If you want 2u2 you have a pretty small window to get pregnant in. With that being said, even if it takes you six months its really not going to matter in the grand scheme of things. 22 months or 28 months is going to make zero difference outside of the first year.
#2 took one time after I weaned from BFing, and hadn't even had ppAF yet (not using BC considering the trouble we had with #1)
#3 took 11 months - we tried for 2u2 again, but that didn't happen. I got pg after 5 months of TTC, but had a m/c (#2 and #3 would have been almost exactly 2 years apart). It then took another 6 onths to get a sticky bfp. DD#1 and DD#2 are 2.5 years apart.
With DD I got a BFP on cycle 2. With LO2 on the first try. I was still breastfeeding and had just gotten my first AF at 9 months PP. The kiddos will be 18m apart.
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First try for DD. Baby #2 was a complete accident - had unprotected sex once and never had a PPAF. They will be 15 months apart. I am getting an IUD and DH is getting a vasectomy after baby is born since I am apparently Fertile Myrtle over here.
This LO I got pregnant while still nursing DD and haven't had a period. We weren't doing anything to stop it, but I did think it would take longer since I wasn't having a period.
I am not the norm. I got pregnant with #2 while EBF #1 and I hadn't had a period. She was 8 months old. And now I just recently found out I am pregnant again with #3 and DS (#2) stopped breastfeeding at 8 months. I went a month without breastfeeding and then found out I am pregnant again. Still no period. I haven't had one since Jan 2011. Kinda awesome but also kinda like WTF?!?!
We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
Team Green turned Team Pink with #1, Team Green turned Team Blue with #2, Team Green turned Team Pink again with #3
I conceived DD on my first cycle trying and got my first postpartum period when she was 10 months old. Decided to go for it that cycle and now I'm 9 weeks pregnant. They will be 19.5 month apart.
pregnant with first one on first try. got pregnant w/ second on our third try and they're 16 months apart. contemplating three under three right now and can't decide if i'm crazy enough to try it.
#1 took over a year of trying...I had just made the first appointment with a fertility specialist when I got pregnant. Just found out I;m pregnant with #2...huge surprise. One time after my first PPAF. We weren't trying but didn't anything to prevent it because of how long #1 took. They will be 16 months apart.
We got pregnant by accident in February '12, and had a miscarriage in April. After the loss, we realized that we were ready for kids and DTD on purpose. We got ku with DS the very next cycle. After E was born, I got my first PP AF when he was 8 wks old, and got it every month after (boo hiss.) We weren't really trying, but we weren't preventing either. E is 9months old, so what is that 7 cycles technically? But like I said, we weren't intentionally really trying either.
We got pregnant very easily both times, and for #2 I was still BFing. My period was back but not regular yet. I think I had it twice, around 9 and 10.5 months postpartum. Mine will be 21 months apart.
The second one was a surprise. We conceived after my first cycle back which our first LO was about 7 8 months old at the time and so he will be 16 months when the new baby is born. It did not take us long at all!
DS1 was a complete surprise and this one came a couple of months earlier than anticipated. I only had one PP period so I was expecting my cycle to take a bit to straighten itself out. Not so much I'm a bit of a fertile myrtle apparently.
Please pardon any typos -- I'm typically bumping from my phone V|V TSP V|V
* Lindsay Chase is going to be a big brother in August! *
We were really trying. We literally just had talked about having another baby last weekend, and that we were going to go off birth control - our first is 7 months now. But it turns out it was all for naught because I was already pregnant. So we didn't have to try to hard thankfully!
with #1 it was 2.5 years. A year + of that was working with an RE, fertility drugs and countless procedures.
I EBF #1 and conceived #2 by surprise since I was BF and my cycle never returned...I guess I'm a poster child for the fact that BF is not a form of birth control! But, in all honesty, we didn't know if we would have another because of what it took to conceive #1 and had decided that we were not going back to treatments etc...so it's been a huge blessing.
DD - first cycle trying, pregnancy no 2, I got preg about a month after I stopped nursing at 7 mos (so pretty much right away again). We werent trying at that point but knew it was a possibility. They will be 16 mos apart. Definitely going to have to be more careful after this one bc not sure I want three and we are blessed to conceive easily.
We've neither tryed nor prevented since my last Depo shot June 2007.
Nitty gritty details: Found out I was pregnant August 2008 and miscarried. Found out I was pregnant April 2009 EBF DD#1 until end of Jan 2011 Cycle returned April 2010 Found out I was pregnant March 2011 EBF DD#2 until December 2012. Cycle returned May 2012. Found out I was pregnant August 2012 and miscarried. Found out I was pregnant the next cycle September 2012. Currently EBF DD#3 cycle returned October 2013. Found out I was pregnant January 2014.
We are extremely lucky we've never had to worry about our fertility and obviously enjoy our kids close in age. However, this is our last baby.
Me - J.R. - 05/1986
DH - J.I. - 08/1986
Married - 09/22/2006
DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014
Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!
I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
I tend to get pregnant when my husband gets within 10 feet of me! I suppose both times have been ?within a month? The first one was a "not trying/not preventing" and was conceived when we got back from our honeymoon. This one was conceived… when I thought my period was "messed up" due to me nursing and my body adjusting still. (I was on the mini pill up until then)
DD who is 5 months old was concieved after two months of "not trying/not preventing". As for this little one, I was breastfeeding until march and had one kinda period. . . So Surprise it was fast and unexpected. He will be getting himself taken care of after LO is born in January. Because if we are not on birth control and he looks at me we are expecting. Last baby for us.
We told ourselves that we would try around LO1 first bday. LO1 1st bday was a few days after Thanksgiving. I found out I was pregnant about a week after his bday. I conceived sometime in October which is a busy month for us, as my birthday and DH and I's anniversary are in October.
It took almost 3 years to conceive LO1 and I've always heard that second (third, fourth..) babies always come easier.
Re: how long did it take to conceive your 2nd LO?
This board is bias. If it took people a long time to concieve #2 then they probably wouldn't have 2u2.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
If you want 2u2 you have a pretty small window to get pregnant in. With that being said, even if it takes you six months its really not going to matter in the grand scheme of things. 22 months or 28 months is going to make zero difference outside of the first year.
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt18dcc8.aspx" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
11 months pp but only 2 months after getting AF back.
Huge bias here.
DS was a complete surprise after conceiving after 1 week of not being on the pill. We tried for 2 months, and I am now pregnant.
EDIT - We tried for #2 for two months.
with #1 it was 2.5 years. A year + of that was working with an RE, fertility drugs and countless procedures.
I EBF #1 and conceived #2 by surprise since I was BF and my cycle never returned...I guess I'm a poster child for the fact that BF is not a form of birth control! But, in all honesty, we didn't know if we would have another because of what it took to conceive #1 and had decided that we were not going back to treatments etc...so it's been a huge blessing.
#2- first try.
Nitty gritty details:
Found out I was pregnant August 2008 and miscarried.
Found out I was pregnant April 2009
EBF DD#1 until end of Jan 2011
Cycle returned April 2010
Found out I was pregnant March 2011
EBF DD#2 until December 2012. Cycle returned May 2012.
Found out I was pregnant August 2012 and miscarried.
Found out I was pregnant the next cycle September 2012.
Currently EBF DD#3 cycle returned October 2013.
Found out I was pregnant January 2014.
We are extremely lucky we've never had to worry about our fertility and obviously enjoy our kids close in age. However, this is our last baby.