June 2013 Moms

Disapproving tone...

I've been getting questions/statements a lot lately. There is a disapproving tone to all. I'm realizing whether you are a SAHM or work people will find fault. Any one getting these?

-when are you going back to work? Everyone needs two incomes these days.

-you should put your child in day care, they will sleep train him.

-Also people are shocked when I say that I'm making my own purée. I'm like I mashed a sweet potato...not a big deal.

Re: Disapproving tone...

  • People always ask when I'm going back to work. But everyone's been really supportive and saying "good for you."
    Sorry your not being more supported for your decisions. We all do the best we can for our families. Don't let it get to you.
  • I'm worried I will get the same thing for being a working mom when I go back in June. DH's family all the women were sahm so I'm taking a different path and I know I will get digs about someone else raising my child. I need to get some thicker skin.
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  • I get remarks about how my LO won't sleep through noise because she's not used to it (multiple times this had been said) uhhhh.... No. The reason I want it quiet while she sleeps is because when we kept the house loud, she wouldn't sleep, she would just scream until I took away some of the aural stimulation.... But thank you for telling me that it's my fault she won't sleep through your noise.

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  • @steamboat1679. I am in Oz, the funny part is this mostly comes from family and friends in the USA.
  • GalLaura said:

    @steamboat1679. I am in Oz, the funny part is this mostly comes from family and friends in the USA.

    I thought I had somehow clicked back to the Dorothy thread.
    Oh yeah, there's actually a country!
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