Cloth Diapering

Fuzzibunz sizing

I haven't been on this board in a really long time, so forgive me if this has come up recently. DD is 16 months and I've noticed in the last week or so that her fuzzibunz are leaving a pretty big/deep red mark around the back at the waist. She's about 24 lbs and 33 inches, so a little big for her age, but definitely not huge. The waist elastic is already as loose as it can get. Any tips for how we can still use these? I really prefer the snaps and most of our BumGenius are velcro (dumb choice on my part). I'm afraid if I make the legs looser we'll have leaks. TIA!
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Re: Fuzzibunz sizing

  • our son is only 7 months and 15 pounds and the FB elites also leave a red mark on the back elastic.  It goes away quickly and he doesn't seem to complain, so we just use them :-/ 

    How about the waist snaps…are they as loose as possible? that might help
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  • You can convert your BG to snaps if you get yourself a snap press.
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  • You can convert your BG to snaps if you get yourself a snap press.

    @freezorburn have you done it? It doesnt sound very easy, I'm a little paranoid I'll mess them up somehow.
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  • skooz said:
    You can convert your BG to snaps if you get yourself a snap press.
    @freezorburn have you done it? It doesnt sound very easy, I'm a little paranoid I'll mess them up somehow.
    @skooz yes I have. It's not hard. I used one of the templates here. The toughest part is when you have a layer of PUL under one of your snaps -- then it's a bit tough to keep it straight, but I got it down with some practice.

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