Hi all,
Just wanted to announce that we are pregnant (5weeks) for the second time via EMbryo Adoption! We originally adopted 12 embryos, and this time we transferred 3, just like last time. We have a set of beautiful twins from the last transfer. So these next little guys will be 100% genetically related. Pretty excited! Check out our blog for details or message me if you have questions concerning EA.
Re: Pregnant for 2nd time via Embryo Adoption
*May Siggy Challenge - Parenting Fails*
TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013