Blended Families


@GotGingy your new siggy makes me happy


Re: GotGingy

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    Harry with ornaments on his ears? Please share. I haven't seen any commercial or behind-the-scenes. I am so behind! :((
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    I love you for that <3.

    I really hope DH gets me the fragrance for Christmas. 
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    GotGingy said:
    I really want it too, and MIL usually gets me perfume for Christmas.  If she doesn't get Our Moment, is it kosh to exchange it?
    I mean, I would totally exchange it. But I do that with anything I/DH/the kids don't care for. Once the gift is given to you it's yours to do what you please, whether it be keep, return, exchange, or donate.
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    GotGingy said:
    twister22 said:
    GotGingy said:
    I really want it too, and MIL usually gets me perfume for Christmas.  If she doesn't get Our Moment, is it kosh to exchange it?
    I mean, I would totally exchange it. But I do that with anything I/DH/the kids don't care for. Once the gift is given to you it's yours to do what you please, whether it be keep, return, exchange, or donate.
    Sounds good to me!  Watch this be the first year she doesn't get me perfume lol.
    MIL always asks what we want and then just gets us a bunch of random stuff from Kohls and JCPenney. They're her gifts to give, so whatever, but I have no idea why she bothers asking us every year. Last year my two *favorite* things were a goodness awful XS sweater and XL PJ pants. MIL was all "Well I didn't know what size you would be since you just had DD!" Okay, so let's play the guessing game instead?

    I guess I needed to vent... lol
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