Hi, everyone. My name's Audrey, and I'm 37 weeks and 1 day pregnant with my DS Shawn. This is my second child and we couldn't be more excited about his arrival sometime around Christmas! This is a little hard for me to explain, because I'm still processing what I was told yesterday.
At 33 weeks, my OB, of course, checked my fundal height. I was measuring for 35 weeks. They brought me in early at my 35 week appointment, and gave me an ultrasound in office to check how big DS was and to check to see how much amniotic fluid I had. Turns out, it was just the way he was laying that gave me the extra 'height'. Thank goodness. However, they said that his 'legs were short'. The OB told me that his legs were measuring 2 weeks behind, and that they wanted me to get another level 2 ultrasound in two weeks to see if his legs had grown, and that if they had grown and were still only measuring 2 weeks behind, that it wasn't anything to worry about. That's all my OB told me.
I went for my level 2 US yesterday at exactly 37 weeks. The US technician measured all of his 'long bones' 3 times each (the upper and lower part of his arms and legs). Then the Doctor came in and even he measured all of DS's long bones. I was then told that while DS's head and abdomen/torso were measuring right on schedule, his arms and legs were measuring 6-8 weeks behind, and was asked if my OB had told me what this could mean. Of course, I said no.
I'd like to point out that not once, did this Doctor say the word "dwarfism". And I apologize right now if it has offended anyone. What the doctor did tell me is that, most likely, DS has a form of Achondroplasia or a form Osteogenesis Imperfecta Mild. At least, I think he did. I had gone by myself (DH was watching our 5 yo DD), and all I really heard was "something's wrong with your son." Now, I know that this is not a 'something's wrong' thing. I know my son is already loved and going to be loved beyond compare, just like his sister is right now.
Honestly, I don't know what I'm feeling besides overwhelmed. The Doctor said that there was no bowing in his bones, nor were there any fractures (thank God). But.... What does this mean for my DS's future? Does this mean extra doctors? Surgeries? Special equipment? Will he have special needs? Not only that, but how can I prepare him for the inevitable discrimination that he's bound to come against? I've got so many things running through my head right now, and I really don't know what to think. I mean, there's nothing to do about it right now, I still have to wait until he's born, BUT, I can't help my mind from wandering off. If anyone could offer any advice or whatnot, I'd really appreciate it.
Re: I think my Doctor told me that my DS has a form of 'dwarfism'.
You're the 4th person to tell me now that I should probably not worry about it. And I appreciate that. Thanks again! And I will be following up with my OB on Monday.
Wishing you all the best!