May 2012 Moms


So I am not a fan of CIO and I won't do it before 18 months BUT Lucas had gotten so bad about sleeping in his bed I started the Tuesday before thanksgiving letting him cry him self to sleep so I could get a little sleep. The up side he's almost always sttn now well until 6am. The down side the 5-30 minutes of blood curdling heart renching screams at bed/nap time. Not to mention him and Nathan share a room so if Nathan wakes him we start all over. I'm hoping it ends soon and I hate it but this was one habit we needed to breAk :(

No real point just sharing what's going on in my lo's life
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  • We lived through two weeks of crying for an hour at each nap time and bed time. It was terrible, but he now goes down awake, sleeps through the night, and naps pretty much every day for 2 hours. Just remind yourself it is for his own good.
  • DH and I are debating this same topic. DD nurses to sleep at night, which I'm fine with, but the part I'm not okay with is how long it takes her to fall asleep and then get into a deep enough sleep to lay her down. Sometimes it takes me up to 2 hours to put her down without waking up. It's killing me! And she still wakes up just hours later and is in bed with us. I know I created this really bad habit and I hate that she has to be the one to break it.

    Good luck with Lucas and please keep us updated on his progress.

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  • Thanks girls! MrsH that's where we were too. He started off coming to bed at six which I was good with then three, then one then never going to bed which is when I started CIO.

    Zoey the first night I stayed on his floor for over an hour! Now if I check on him it just pisses him off and makes it worse.

    Maryxc1 thanks! I needed to hear that tonight!
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  • Good luck! We did CIO with DD and going in to check on her made things worse for us too. It was so hard, but after just a few days her crying time got shorter, and shorter, and now IF she does cry (which is so rare) it's for about 2 minutes at the most. For almost 10 months now she's gone down at 8:30-ish and wakes up at 7-ish. You've got 2 other boys to prove that you're a great mom who knows what's good for her boys. You'll get there; be strong!
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  • Ugh, lo nurses to sleep and wakes two times minimum a night, plus he often bites me as he falls asleep. I don't have the heart to cio, I tried it for a night or two but seriously he does not stop crying and I sleep better if we co sleep. I'm just afraid I'm going to be one of those moms that still has to nurse a 5 year old to sleep. I'm guessing if the biting continues too long he will have to cio, seriously yesterday I screamed because he clamped down so hard that dh came to check on me and lo was sleeping that doesn't wake him I have no idea!
  • bellelamb said:
    Now if I check on him it just pisses him off and makes it worse.  
    That is how DD was, when we started CIO I would go in every 10 minutes and it definitely made it worse. 
  • GromMom said:
    Ugh, lo nurses to sleep and wakes two times minimum a night, plus he often bites me as he falls asleep. I don't have the heart to cio, I tried it for a night or two but seriously he does not stop crying and I sleep better if we co sleep. I'm just afraid I'm going to be one of those moms that still has to nurse a 5 year old to sleep. I'm guessing if the biting continues too long he will have to cio, seriously yesterday I screamed because he clamped down so hard that dh came to check on me and lo was sleeping that doesn't wake him I have no idea!
    Sorry Grom! DD has bitten me twice lately that were so hard I seriously cried (like sobbing, someone just cut my whole boob off type of cry). I'm healing up from the last bite which broke skin. I feel for you! I'm definitely ready to wean I'd just hoped to get DD to STTN before I started to wean, which would make things soooo much easier. Ugh. If you find a perfect solution can you please remember to share it with me?

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  • MrsH my middle wouldn't sttn until I weaned then he magically sttn all the time!

    Grom, maybe try unlatching before lo is complely asleep? I know that's how I keep from getting bit.

    Lucas is doing better at nights naps still hard.
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  • Mrs h and Belle lamb, thanks for the ideas and commiseration, unfortunately if I try to unlatch him before he is ready he starts clamping down, and while not as painful as a sleep bite, it often wakes him to crying. I think I'm stuck I'm this for the long haul until I can figure out how to tire him out enough that he falls asleep on his own for naps and bedtime. He really only falls asleep in his own in the car and occasionally in his high chair while eating (weird I know, but that's how I know he's gotten good exercise), and sometimes he falls asleep sitting with dh, but never with me unless nursing.
  • bellelamb said:
    MrsH my middle wouldn't sttn until I weaned then he magically sttn all the time! Grom, maybe try unlatching before lo is complely asleep? I know that's how I keep from getting bit. Lucas is doing better at nights naps still hard.
    Belle-question for you...did you nurse your middle one to sleep? If so, how did you get him to sleep without nursing?

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  • MrsH- yes I did nurse Nathan to sleep but he would also take a bottle, so when I weaned him I was already 12 weeks pregnant with Lucas so I was desperate so I caved and started putting Nathan to bed with a bottle, which worked but then later had to break him of that. BUT it did get him sttn.

    Lucas stopped nursing to sleep recently when I started CIO. :(
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