Baby Names

Name now or name when she's born?!? (2 parter!)

Soon2bStaffSoon2bStaff member
edited December 2013 in Baby Names
Part 1:: I have two things I'm struggling with right now! 1) do we name baby girl now so everyone can buy awesome monogrammed stuff (slight sarcasm involved there) or do we say we have two-three names we like and name her when she's born! Obviously if we do the latter of the two, people ask, "what are the names"... And then feel it's their job to give you their options on those names!! ;)

Part 2:: Long story short, I asked DH to make a list of 10 names and I made a list of 10 names... From both our lists, there was ONE name the same! DH thinks we are done talking about names.. Her name is that since we both liked it enough to put it on our top 10 -- "it's a no brainer" he says! :) BuT, it's not my top top favorite!!

Below are the names I still want in the running and are the ones we would tell people her name is between... Should I suck it up and just give in to her name being the one we both liked (but not favorite) or should I hold out for my favorite and decide at the hospital when we meet her?!? TIA ;);)
Married: 2012 --- BFP: 2013 - Little Miss arrived: 2014 --- BFP #2: 2015 - EDD: 2/2016 (Team Green)

Name now or name when she's born?!? (2 parter!) 122 votes

Leah - name on both our top 10 lists
58% 71 votes
Lilliana - my favorite from my list
11% 14 votes
Sadie - my favorite from DH's list
22% 27 votes
Avery - on DH list and was on mine awhile back but now it's so popular I took it off my list
6% 8 votes
Something else I'll write below!
1% 2 votes

Re: Name now or name when she's born?!? (2 parter!)

  • I'm with your husband on this. If you both have one name that you agree on, use it!
    Also, I a squarely in the camp of not telling any friends or family the name. I don't want their opinions.
  • I voted for Leah, but I am not crazy about any of your name choices.  I also prefer the Lia spelling, but that's just personal preference.

    We didn't share names before DD was born, and we also wound up taking our top 3 names to the hospital with us.  My fave, my H's fave and a compromise name.  We went with the compromise.  I have no regrets.

    When people asked us if we had picked out a name, we said not yet.  If they pressed, we through out a couple of named that we had actually considered, but decided against (for whatever reason.)  That way they had an "idea" of what style we were going for and wouldn't be totally thrown off when DD was born.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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  • If you guys can't comfortably decide before her birth I see no reason to not bring a list. However I would find that stressful and hope we agree on names before I am pregnant. Haha

    I like Leah a lot. It is on our list and it is good you both like it. However...

    I love Sadie and it gets my vote.
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    Love: March 2010  Marriage: July 2013  Debt Free: October 2014  TTC: April 2015
     BFP: April 10, 2016 EDD: December 19, 2016 Team Blue!
    Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d

  • I voted Leah. It's on my list and I find it beautiful yet simple.
  • Sadie Liliana
    Married to my Middle School Sweetheart Since 9-23-2000
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  • Thanks ladies! Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't mind Leah but I think I'm just secretly jealous DH can decide the future of our child in a matter of 15 seconds! He is so set on it being Leah (singing it in nursery rhymes and all) and hates my favorite so the only two we can agree on are Leah and Sadie! BUT - the reason Sadie wasn't on my top 10 list is because DH's friend just named his dog that so I thought DH wouldn't like it anymore! ...anyway, I'm hoping to have my answer by tomorrow after our A/S scan! Thanks for your opinions everyone!
    Married: 2012 --- BFP: 2013 - Little Miss arrived: 2014 --- BFP #2: 2015 - EDD: 2/2016 (Team Green)
  • We kept our names a secret...most people respected the decision but a few were put off by it (we didn't really care).

    As for your names, Leah is beautiful :) I like that one the best!
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  • I like all your names (voted for Lilliana) but I say you should go back to the drawing board. Don't compromise. I'll bet there's a name out there that you both love. It took us many rounds to decide on DSs name and I'm so glad we didn't compromise. P

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • I voted Leah, in part because its my favorite on your list, and in part because I like the idea of a compromise name.

    If you decide to take names to choose from to the hospital, there is no reason to share them with others in the meantime to open it up to the possibility of them "voting." Just tell people you aren't sharing the name until you decide when you meet her. We successfully did that approach even with my mom asking numerous times. She never quite gave up, but she was gradually less insistent as time passed and she realized how serious I was she wouldn't know the name until after she was born
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My daughter is named Leah Gianna. I voted Leah. Beautiful name!
  • Leah or Sadie. Liliana is too frilly for me. I think you should bring a few names and see what she feels like when she's born.
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  • I voted Leah because you both had it on your list but I love Sadie! Sadie Leah/Leah Sadie???
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    A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart :( but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!

  • If you don't love Leah, then don't use it.  I'd keep the convo open... If you decide ahead of time, then great, but some couples just NEED to wait.  And who knows, maybe after your DH sees you give birth, he'll let you make the final decision ;)

    As for me, I am one of those people that NEED to have the name picked ASAP.  I could never wait until birth to name a child (although I had no problem being team green last time, so who knows, ha!)


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