Cloth Diapering

GMD workhorse fitted question

Anyone have the green edged workhorse fitted? Any thoughts? I have a 36 pound soon to be 3 year old that I need a night time solution for. We have 3 of the regular Twinkie tushes but they are too small for him. He has outgrown all of our OS pockets due to rise and hips I believe. He doesn't wet all night long usually just as he's waking in the morning because he hasn't figured out how to leave his bed or bedroom when he wakes.
I just brought some brown edged ones for ds2 who's 14 months and they fit him well but not big brother so I was wondering how much larger green edged ones are and if they'd have a good fit.
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Re: GMD workhorse fitted question

  • edited December 2013
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  • I did look at the site but it's a little harder to gauge since ds1 is so tall. He's older than the model baby in the photo. He doesn't wet overnight he usually wets first thing when he wakes so he doesn't need a ton of absorbency but more than his cloth training underwear I had made him when he first started potty training.
    I was trifolding a hemp prefold in a cover (flip) for a while but he's outgrown that cover too.
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  • I agree with SAKate.  I think they have a good chance of fitting, but I think they might not be absorbent enough.  DS2 is a heavy wetter, but he soaks a brown edge in around 3 hours or so.  If I were going to try them at night I think I'd add a pad folded flat or a hemp doubler or two to it. 
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  • Could you lay something more absorbent into the training pants that fit him? I've been doing all kinds of funny things for DD at night, now that she refuses to wear diapers and has to wear "panties," even to bed, but still pees overnight. Sometimes I put 2 Hemp Babies doublers or GMD doublers into a pair of training pants or a swim diaper! Then I cover it (if she'll let me) with a fleece soaker. Don't know what your stash is like, but I have some Old School Cool diapers, and the shorter bamboo insert works great as an overnight booster for us.

    Can't speak to the size of the green-edged workhorse though - sorry!

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
    BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
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