Anyone have the green edged workhorse fitted? Any thoughts? I have a 36 pound soon to be 3 year old that I need a night time solution for. We have 3 of the regular Twinkie tushes but they are too small for him. He has outgrown all of our OS pockets due to rise and hips I believe. He doesn't wet all night long usually just as he's waking in the morning because he hasn't figured out how to leave his bed or bedroom when he wakes.
I just brought some brown edged ones for ds2 who's 14 months and they fit him well but not big brother so I was wondering how much larger green edged ones are and if they'd have a good fit.
Re: GMD workhorse fitted question
I was trifolding a hemp prefold in a cover (flip) for a while but he's outgrown that cover too.
Can't speak to the size of the green-edged workhorse though - sorry!
Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.