Blended Families

SD2 christmas gift

CurlyQ284CurlyQ284 member
edited December 2013 in Blended Families
She loves 1D but she's not a superfan maybe a 6 on a scale of 10. She wants only 1D stuff for Christmas. I found out tickets for the summer tour go on sale Saturday. I originally thought about getting her tickets but it maxes out her portion of the gift budget so this would be her only gift. She's 11 so now I'm backing off the idea because she's so young. I think she would be upset to see all the gifts under the tree and she only gets 1 thing. BM is going to feel her out but i think she might say shes ok with one big gift but on the actual day she would be sad and bummed out. Thoughts?

1D fans please TRY to be objective. Im looking at you, twister and gingy! Lol
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Re: SD2 christmas gift

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    My SS is a little younger but he would be devastated to have one gift. He has a very loose concept of $$. Just to give you an idea he has already been counting how many presents the dog has versus the cat so maybe he's just different....
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    Has SD expressed wanting to see 1D in concert? If it's not a big deal to her then I wouldn't blow her portion of the budget exclusively on that. I think you're right that she'll have the bummed out I-only-got-one-gift feeling.

    Personally I would just get her a variety of 1D things that she has asked for, whether it be a notebook, poster, t-shirt, book, etc.

    If BM says that SD would be super excited about 1D tickets and you go ahead and get them, Target has a bunch of 1D stuff in the $1 Spot right now. I would go scoop up some of that stuff so that it seems like she has more presents. And I would also get a separate gift from DS to SD.
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    She never said anything about concert tickets but when we asked what she wanted for christmas she said "Two words: One Direction!"

    Im leaning towards no but DH already reached out to BM and im worried the train is leaving the station.
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    Totally agree with your instinct that at 11 years old, she would be bummed about getting one big present that's an experience and not even a thing. She's too young to understand the cost involved in something like that. I'd go with lots of little things, and save the concert ticket-type gifts for when she's a teenager and doesn't like anything.
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    Realistically how much money could you spend after buying the tickets? I think experience gifts are great but not for Christmas for an 11yo. But you already mentioned it to SD and BM. Can you spend an extra $20 after the tickets and wrap a few $1 gifts and a few $5 gifts? What did she et last year? I think at that age kids should still get equal gifts even if it means you wrap a few things together for one kid and all separate for another. Fuzzy or cute socks, something to hang on her backpack or if she has a locker for inside her locker, a new game (board game or video, do you have a Five Below near you?)
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    I'm kinda lame, but I sometimes just let the kids make the call for stuff like this. I always phrase it as a hypothetical, though.

    Like we went to Disney in October, and I could not decide whether to buy extra tickets to the Halloween party ($278!). So we decided to ask the kids whether going to the party would be worth about half my Christmas budget. They said no. 

    So I might call and say "Soooo.. would tickets to see 1D be worth just getting one present for Christmas?" But I am super boring. 
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    Girls are easy to find cheap stuff. Get her some tinted chap sticks, nail polishes, some cute earrings or bracelets. Pj bottoms, some smelly lotion, get fuzzy socks... Girls are so easy and all that will clost maybe $30. Te PJs will be the most.
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    @littlejen22 SD doesnt know. BM is going to ask if she wants one big present or lots of smaller presents
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    @GotGingy you have got to have an opinion on this :).
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    Girls are easy to find cheap stuff. Get her some tinted chap sticks, nail polishes, some cute earrings or bracelets. Pj bottoms, some smelly lotion, get fuzzy socks... Girls are so easy and all that will clost maybe $30. Te PJs will be the most.

    One awesome gift plus a bunch of little stuff. That way she has stuff to open still.
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    DH and I discussed this very thing!  We are buying tix  Her birthday is three days after the concert, so we will hold onto them for birthday gift.  (I am not a 1D fan, but DD is). 
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    GotGingy said:

    Ok I'm back. I got SD tickets, but I'm saving them for her birthday. (If you want to get tickets now, the presale code is midnight.) I got SD a bunch of little 1D things for Christmas, because DH and BM are going in on her big gift, and I didn't want her to just get the one thing. I found two nightgowns on clearance, a necklace, socks, and some glitter pens with Zayn on them. Spent $20, tops, on that stuff.

    Just curious... Are the tickets for you or her?
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