I like Jude and Judah, and also Juno although it's feminine. I don't know how I feel about Junah.
ETA: Sorry to hijack, but we're always talking about how boy names are used on girls. Well, Juno is the opposite. I actually don't hate it as a girl's name for a boy. I'm not saying I'd use it though.
See, the thing is...there are plenty of good names for boys that end in -ah (like Jonah, which is only one letter off!), but they're all Hebrew names, at least the ones I can think of. So I think it's a little weird for a made-up boy name to have the -a/ah ending which is typically feminine in Romance languages. If I just heard it, I would think it was for a girl. I don't really see the appeal of this name over a couple of similar-sounding and clearly masculine legit names.
DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
Potential Employer: So Judah, tell me a little about yourself. Junah: Um, it's JU-Nah. Potential Employer: Jonah? Junah: No...J-U-N-A-H. Potential Employer: Oh..that's...can you spell it again so I can jot it down? Junah: J-U-N-A-H.
Now take this scenario & mutiply it times 1,000 over the course of his life in various places.
Re: Thoughts on name
I voted for "too uneek" but it's not a horrible sounding name.
Why not Jonah or Judas?
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I like Jude and Judah, and also Juno although it's feminine. I don't know how I feel about Junah.
ETA: Sorry to hijack, but we're always talking about how boy names are used on girls. Well, Juno is the opposite. I actually don't hate it as a girl's name for a boy. I'm not saying I'd use it though.
Potential Employer: So Judah, tell me a little about yourself.
Junah: Um, it's JU-Nah.
Potential Employer: Jonah?
Junah: No...J-U-N-A-H.
Potential Employer: Oh..that's...can you spell it again so I can jot it down?
Junah: J-U-N-A-H.
Now take this scenario & mutiply it times 1,000 over the course of his life in various places.