March 2013 Moms

Teething Products

Just for a little relief before bed I wanted to buy something for DS. I'm trying not to load him up on Tylenol so I'm going off recommendations of Hylands. Does anyone prefer or have experience with the teething tablets versus the gel? Does one work better? Last longer? Unsafe?


Re: Teething Products

  • I used hylands for DS they worked almost instantly. My SIL used them for her kids as well
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  • No experience as DS seems to be doing pretty well with the few he has coming in ATM, but what about the Baltic amber teething necklaces?
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  • I looked into those too, but I know I can buy these in store TODAY. The necklace I'll have to order once I narrow it down to one. 

    But thank you both!
  • Is there a cloth diaper store near you? They usually carry the amber necklaces.
  • We use an amber necklace, and I think it helps. It's not an end all cure, though, she has still been fussy when these first 2 teeth finally started cutting through - I've done tylenol a couple of times too but I don't like to, so I'm thinking of doing the tablets as well.
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  • TBH, I have no idea if there is a cloth diaper store near us. I'm inclined to say no though. I got the gel and have it bedside for the night if needed!! 
  • LOVE the Hylands tablets.  We think they are magical!!!  :) 


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  • For those using the necklace, do you take it off at bedtime? Bc of strangling? It's the only thing holding me bc then it defeats the purpose for me.
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  • Devbo18 said:
    For those using the necklace, do you take it off at bedtime? Bc of strangling? It's the only thing holding me bc then it defeats the purpose for me.
    this could probably go in the other post about "breaking the rules" but I don't.  at first I would wrap it around her ankle at night, but I've read you want it as close to the source of pain as possible, so I have started leaving it on her.  It pretty much sits in her neck rolls (lol) so I am not worried about it.  Like you said, night time is the key time for it to work.

    Also, we had our 9 month visit yesterday and our pedi said they do not recommend teething tablets or orajel...... we haven't used either before but they seemed to be way against both of them.  She also said she would recommend baby ibuprofen over baby tylenol because she thinks the ibuprofen works better for teething pain.
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  • Devbo18 said:
    For those using the necklace, do you take it off at bedtime? Bc of strangling? It's the only thing holding me bc then it defeats the purpose for me.
    this could probably go in the other post about "breaking the rules" but I don't.  at first I would wrap it around her ankle at night, but I've read you want it as close to the source of pain as possible, so I have started leaving it on her.  It pretty much sits in her neck rolls (lol) so I am not worried about it.  Like you said, night time is the key time for it to work.

    Also, we had our 9 month visit yesterday and our pedi said they do not recommend teething tablets or orajel...... we haven't used either before but they seemed to be way against both of them.  She also said she would recommend baby ibuprofen over baby tylenol because she thinks the ibuprofen works better for teething pain.
    I wonder why your pedi was so against them? I understand the numbing factor, but Hylands isn't numbing. Maybe I should just call and ask my pedi. I bought the gel but haven't used it yet.
  • Maybe that pedi was not pro homeopathic? Some aren't I know, and that's what the teething tablets are.

    Devbo18 said:
    For those using the necklace, do you take it off at bedtime? Bc of strangling? It's the only thing holding me bc then it defeats the purpose for me.

    I do take it off at night because I was afraid of strangling, but the clasp snaps off easily if they do get it hung up on something.  I think I am going to start leaving it on him though to help with the pain during the night. 

    As for buying the necklace, I found mine on Amazon and got it within a couple days of ordering it.

    Additionally, the teething tablets seem to work very quickly.  I try not to overdo it with them

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