Hi ladies...I am looking for some insight into my situation. I had an appt. today and I am at 6cm dilated and almost completely effaced. My OB wants to induce me tomorrow. I am Group B pos so the plan is to go into the office, get my membranes stripped and head to the hospital to start the antibiotics and Pitocin if the membrane strip doesn't bring them on. Her concern is that if we keep waiting it out I could go very fast if my water breaks. We are 20-30 min from the hospital and my husband works about 45 minutes from home. I also have 2 children to arrange care for so the idea of a really fast labor scares me. Another factor is that I went from 5cm to birth in an hour with my second once they broke my water. Considering all the factors does this seem like a good reason to induce or am I blowing the risks out of proportion? My OB really prefers we induce but is supportive of letting me wait too. She just said we might have a baby in the car. I was really hoping for a med-free birth but I also want my baby to be safe. I would appreciate any thoughts or insight!
Re: 6cm and no active labor...induce?
But, we plan HB. And I was GBS+ with J. We declined antibiotics after much research and discussion with my MW.
With S. I was GBS-, but my water broke and contractions didn't follow. My MW said we could go to the hospital and induce at any point I was no longer comfortable. I wanted to wait it out. (The big risk is infection. But, with no vaginal exams, the risk is low.) And so we waited...and waited...and waited. 2 days after my water broke, I finally started contractions.
I guess what I am saying is that I am obviously pretty against any interventions unless medically necessary. And my definition of medically necessary is clearly different from many doctors.
Only you can decide if induction is the right path for you.
With your GBS+ status I'd guess you need to be a little more cautious, but my MW's were comfortable sending me home both times I went into labor - and I live an hour away w/o traffic. They said that if my water broke with a huge gush or if I'd started having regular painful/increased contractions to get my rear to the hospital, but they never seemed concerned about a car baby or anything.
I'm really really glad my MW's didn't induce - at 38w5d, LO was a 6lb,9oz peanut - even in "active labor" he clearly needed those extra weeks to bake.