Cloth Diapering

Here comes the fluff mail!

2 packages arrived today of the 4 I'm expecting. Thank GOD I'm off today so I intercepted them before DH. At least now if he sees the other 2 it won't be as bad as 4, and the inserts I got today are easy to hide ;)
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Re: Here comes the fluff mail!

  • I had three sitting on my porch when I got home last night.  Had them all unpacked and organized in a way that it looked like less by the time DH got home!

    Speaking of, did anyone order from Kiss By the Moon?   I received a package of my freebies only from them.  Then I got three separate email shipping confirmations.  One saying my diapers will be shipped from Blueberry, one from Sweet pea, and one from Thirsties.  Is that normal?  Or just maybe a BF chaos sort of thing?

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  • My first shipment came yesterday while I was at work. I have been waiting for the apartment complex office to open so I can go get it!

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  • I had some come yesterday and some coming tomorrow! I'm so excited building our stash. Even my husband was excited seeing them lol I love that :)
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  • CLLDLL said:

    I had three sitting on my porch when I got home last night.  Had them all unpacked and organized in a way that it looked like less by the time DH got home!

    Speaking of, did anyone order from Kiss By the Moon?   I received a package of my freebies only from them.  Then I got three separate email shipping confirmations.  One saying my diapers will be shipped from Blueberry, one from Sweet pea, and one from Thirsties.  Is that normal?  Or just maybe a BF chaos sort of thing?

    I've had this happen to me before with them. Sometimes when you order from her, she gets your order from another company and they ship to your address instead of kissed by the moon (Tami). It's only happened to me once though.

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  • CLLDLL said:

    I had three sitting on my porch when I got home last night.  Had them all unpacked and organized in a way that it looked like less by the time DH got home!

    Speaking of, did anyone order from Kiss By the Moon?   I received a package of my freebies only from them.  Then I got three separate email shipping confirmations.  One saying my diapers will be shipped from Blueberry, one from Sweet pea, and one from Thirsties.  Is that normal?  Or just maybe a BF chaos sort of thing?

    The one time I ordered from her I had the same thing happen. Everything arrived within a couple of days of each other, though.

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