I have posted a few things on TTC that disnt apparently go over well so I guess its because I'm supposed to ask here because I'm new? I don't have anything tosay now. Just wanted to say Hello and introduce myself. Just looking for some support because H and I aren't telling anyone we are trying to conceive. Because either all of our friends have kids all ready and think ttc is easy or are totally against baby mode so Iike I said just here for moral support and someone to let me know more about the temp and charting my cycle. I have an app but I thinks its off it is different from my phone to my tablet and gets me all confused. Any good advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
Re: new to this board
Hi and welcome.
Check out a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and sign up for the tutorial on Fertility Friend. Those are good places to get started.
As far as the boards go, lurk a lot and feel out the vibe of the board. If it suits you, introduce yourself and jump in.