Toddlers: 24 Months+

What time is bedtime for your two year old? (28 months)

My DD has always went to bed at 7- 7:30 pm.  Now that she is older, DH and others believe she should stay up longer.  Just curious to what time other parents put their child to sleep at this age.  TIA!!!
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Re: What time is bedtime for your two year old? (28 months)

  • He's gone to bed at 8 since he was about 5 months. He actually falls asleep around 9 or 10, and wakes between 7:30 and 8:30 usually.

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  • My DD has always done to bed at around 8pm. She probably falls asleep at around 8:30 most nights and wakes up at around 6:45am.

    DO what works best for your child. Some kids need more sleep than others. You know your child best!
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  • DS has progressively moved his bedtime to 9pm. He wakes up at 6:45am.
    He is so much fun right before bedtime I never realize the time until 8:30. So at that point we start our bedtime routine.
  • Mine goes to bed between 7:30 and 8pm.  I don't see his bedtime ever getting later than that.  But I also had an 8pm bedtime until I was at least 16.
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  • It's always been 8:30 for us. We were never able to get him down earlier than that.
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  • Since he was two we've been putting him down between 7:30-8pm and he has to wake up at 6:15 on weekdays, but will sleep in until 9am on weekends. 
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  • edited December 2013
    DD (4) and DS (2) go to bed at 7:30 or 8 depending on if DD took a nap or not (DS always takes a nap) and how tired the kids are. DH didn't feel it was fair for DS to go to bed earlier than DD and DH felt strongly about it so we tried it and so far it has worked well.

    DS always wakes up between 6-6:30 on his own.
  • If he's really tired, he'll go to bed as early as 7, but most nights, it's between 7:30 and 8. 

    This is us too. We moved his bedtime to 7:30 about 6 months ago because he was waking up earlier than we wanted. With the 7:30 bedtime he is usually up just before 7am. If for some reason he's really tired or didn't nap well we'll put him down at 7pm.

    Definitely do what works best for your family!

    DS Born 10/5/11 TTC #2 starting 8/2012 BFP! 11/12/12 EDD 7/26/12... natural m/c 12/1/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • All of my kids go to bed at 7:30. They are 4.5 years old and 2 years 4 months old. My oldest sleeps until about 6:30, my babies wake up around 7, sometimes as late as 7:30.
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  • Between 7:30 & 8:00 here too. Unless your kiddo seems to be resisting the current bedtime, I'd leave it be!
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  • Both 2.5yr old and 9 month old go to bed at 8pm 

    2.5 yr still takes a nap from about 1-3pm and falls right to sleep. 
    At night she is starting to take for ever to fall asleep 1hr to 130hrs.  Taking forever to fall asleep is recent and hopefully she goes back to falling asleep with in 30 minutes again.

    The bedtime won't be moved back anytime soon.  

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  • My DS' bedtime has been 8pm since he was 2 years old or maybe even about 18 used to be earlier than that. I think 8pm is plenty late enough and don't see us changing it for a long time.
    DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
    DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
    TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
  • 8:30 to 9 pm. And she usually sleeps in until 9 or 10.
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  • 8 pm. She gets up at 7:30 am and takes a 2-hour nap.

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  • Between 8 and 8:30.
    She usually wakes up around 7, but on weekends might sleep in until 8 or so.
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  • My son is a night owl like his Daddy and fights sleep. He is in bed about 9 pm but will talk, thrash around, etc. for as long as he can keep himself awake. I try not to worry about it--I can't make him sleep. All I can do is put him in his bed and create a conducive environment for sleep. He wakes up happy about 7 am and takes a 2 hour nap (sometimes longer on weekends).

    I think some of it depends on your family's schedule, too. Some PP have said that their kids go to bed at 7:00-7:30. I don't even get home with my son after work until close to 6:00. If my son went to bed that early, he would be going straight from the supper table to his bedtime routine. That wouldn't work for us. 
  • My daughter currently goes to bed between 9 and 9:30.  Although when we are visiting or people are visiting it sometimes gets pushed back to 10, occasionally 11, and recently as late as midnight when her Grandpa took her to the circus at 7PM.  She gets up around 8:30/9.

    When she was a baby she would go to bed at midnight, slowly over the past two years that has moved up to 9/9:30.  It works for us.  I stay at home so there is no need to get up and out the door in the morning.  My husband likes to have time with her in the evenings.  She goes down for her nap between 2 and 3 and it lasts at least 2 hours. 
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  • 7-7:30.  I wouldn't change her bedtime unless there is a problem!  Some kids need to go to bed early.
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  • Normally around 8:30-9 but she lays in her bed and "reads" books for sometimes hours before she falls asleep.  Like a PP said, I can't make her fall asleep, and she stays in her room, so it doesn't bother us.  The girl can sleep in though and we sometimes have to wake her up at 10 on the weekends so it doesn't mess up her schedule too much. 

    I like her having a later bedtime because she does great when we do social things in the evenings and we get a lot of time with her in the evening. 

    TTC #1 Sept '10    BFP! Dec '10     DD Anna born Aug '11

  • When she was still napping, she was in bed around 7:45pm, though generally not asleep until 8:30pm or later.  Now that she's no longer napping (stopped at 3yrs), she's in bed by 7pm, usually asleep by 7:30pm.  (Note, though, that she's NEVER been a big sleeper - always on the low end of the range of "normal".)  I don't anticipate changing her bedtime for MANY years to come - like, until she's 7 or 8.
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  • DD has gone to be around 7:30 from the time she's had a bedtime. Sometimes she stays up with us till 8 but usually she's in bed at 7:30 and asleep by 8.

  • My boys (3 yr olds)  were going to bed at 8, however when they decided to drop their nap- bedtime was moved to 7.  They get up at 7:30-8 every morning.
  • sugarbear0524sugarbear0524 member
    edited December 2013
    For all PP whose kids go to bed at 7:00-7:30, how do you make that work? I think my son needs to get in bed earlier, but by the time I get home close to 6:00, cook dinner, and we eat, it's 7:30. He hasn't had any time with us, a bath, or playtime.
  • If DD has had a nap during the day, bedtime is usually 8:00; if she hasn't napped, then bedtime is 7:30.
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  • 7-7:30 is the target time, though sometimes it's closer to 8.
  • DD goes to bed at 7, unless it is a special occasion. She is hard enough to get up in the morning for school as it is I couldn't imagine keeping her up any later.
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  • @sugarbear0524, when I was working FT, we would either prepare meals in advance or when that wasn't possible, we would have one person prepare something fast and the other pick up the kids from daycare.  Dinner would be at 5:30 or 6, baths at 6:30 and bed at 7.  We would clean up after bedtime.

    Peanut 1.23.11 ~ Bean 9.06.12 ~ Little Boy 9.24.14
  • Was 8:30pm before the time change. Now it's 7:30. I haven't tried to adjust it mommy needs some "me time" . She's 28mos
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