Blended Families

Gifts for SD's from new baby

DH and I would like to prepare a gift basket from the new baby to my SD's (both high schoolers). They are really excited about the birth and I want to make sure we keep them feeling special/excited once LO is born.

I thought we could add a nice letter from the baby (saying how lucky he feels to have great big sisters, sorry for the crying, etc), a few pairs of ear plugs, new earbuds for listening to music, and gift certificates for iTunes to download new distractions. What else could we add? I am out of ideas. Anyone here have any for teens?

Re: Gifts for SD's from new baby

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    No ideas, but I just wanted to say how awesome! What a nifty idea.
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    A clothespin for their nose?  lol.

    They might be too big for a "I'm the big sister," t-shirt, but if you can find a t-shirt or pj's that match and have a "matching outfit" for them and the baby.  (I think it will be hard since they are so far apart in age, but gymboree has family pj's, or they used to).  Also, if your family follows a sports team (MLB, Nfl, College, even town), it's easy to find coordinating outfits / t'shirts, etc.

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    KendraL86KendraL86 member
    edited December 2013
    @Wahoo - all great ideas!! Love the cloths pin! They are too big for the big sister tshirts, but I love having a coordinating sports teams tshirts or PJ's.

    @ambrvan - Thanks. I figure a new baby is a big transition/sacrifice for them, too. They deserve some recognition of that. :)
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    The girls are almost 15 and almost 19. They are too old for dolls. I was thinking about adding in a tablet if we could find one on sale this season!
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    Maybe a diy coupon book for time with just dad, just you, etc. Kind of like date coupons. One for dinner and a movie. One for a mani-pedi outing. You get the idea.
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    We did the same thing with SS except we didn't make it baby related stuff (ear plugs etc) we just gave him a few gifts he liked.

    Honestly I would just give them something they like as a "thanks for welcoming our new family member" and not make it baby focused. The baby is already getting a lot of attention and excitement, I would just make it a sincere thank you from you and Dh.
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