June 2013 Moms


What are you ladies wearing while staying home? I'm finding it harder to dress myself and look presentable on a daily basis. It is easier to wear sweats and old dance and college shirts all the time. I am looking for things that I can still be comfy in doing things at home and stylish enough to wear to carpool, soccer or the grocery store. You know? TIA

Re: Clothing

  • I do throw on comfy jeans when I go out in public.
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  • Everyday I tell myself I am going to put on real clothes but I don't. Sweats and old boxing clothes like shorts and stretched out shirts. I look a hot mess.
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  • With is being so cold out I've been living in sweats and hoodies but I also do go places very often. When I do go out I'll throw on a pair of jeans but my warmth comes first! Lol so I'll still be rocking my hoodie under my coat :)
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  • @WasNotWas I have 2 pair of these by Nike
  • I have stretchy skinny jeans :) they are comfy and look nice! I got them at winners!
  • But you GUISE!! I wanna look a little sexy and more "put together" I've got the dressed up soccer mom in sweats down pat. I want to look cute all the time. I think it would make me feel better about my wacked out marriage at the moment.
  • I love wearing Hue jeggings. They are my favorite paired with a casual shirt and scarf with riding boots and I'm done.

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  • I live in skinny stretch jeans and long sleeved t-shirts from Gap. I throw on a chunky scarf when I'm out.

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  • WorkinIt said:

    Leggings and cowl neck sweatshirts, I hate to say it but I like rocking my lululemons yoga, leggings, and studio pants with a fitted zip up.

    This is all I wear minus the sweater. LOL!

  • Ahhh I feel the same way it's hard to get dressed just knowing your going to be lounging all day holding a baby. At least with your older one you have more going on. Now that its cold leggings with boots are my go to. Just wear something that shows off the girls that will do the trick!
  • @wasnotwas I love those! I just promised myself and DH I was done shopping. Well one more thing ;)
  • @elmoali I'm laughing so hard right now!
  • @elmoali they are surprisingly slimming!! promise!! and you can pull the waistband over your tummy (not saying you have one)
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  • @elmoali shut up! I'm dying!!
  • I've been wearing button down shirts in flannel, floral print, or sheer with a tank top underneath. (They hide my tummy.) I wear them with skinny jeans or leggings and boots or flats. Before it got cold here I also wore a "vegan leather" motorcycle type jacket. I'll admit this mostly on the weekends. Currently I'm in yoga pants and a t-shirt.

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  • No @smpeachy I stopped nursing at 3 months.
  • So I am not a SAHM but I did go out and buy 4 or 5 of the Editor (wide waist band) pants from Express to get me through my post partum pudgey phase and they are super comfy.  I even did some of the ab/squat challenge in them. 
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  • Aww thanks @34blondie I don't feel like it. It is hard having the motivation when the person you are with all day doesn't have a clue about what you are wearing or how you look. Lol
  • 34blondie said:

    I have discovered skinny sweats...they are a step above regular sweats and if you pair them with a solid V-neck tee you can look put together. Heck, you can even accessorize with a scarf or a statement necklace!

    Here's what I'm talking about: (these are cashmere at JCrew, Old Navy has them for $20)

    Collection cashmere sweatpant


    Ok @wasnotwas -where are yours from? I need the tall girl size!

    I got some from JCrew last Christmas and I have a pair from Old Navy coming (in tall size) I'll let you know how they fit!!
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                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
  • I looove stretch skinny jeans.  LOFT has a great pair in their "lounge" section.  Actually, I wear pretty much that entire Lounge section every day when I want to look cute.  Other days, when I go to the gym, I tend to wear my workout gear.  After 5 pm, I break out the pajama bottoms.  ;-)  DH doesn't care--he puts his pj bottoms on immediately upon walking in the door. 
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  • elmoali said:
    WasNotWas said:

    I have discovered skinny sweats...they are a step above regular sweats and if you pair them with a solid V-neck tee you can look put together. Heck, you can even accessorize with a scarf or a statement necklace!

    Here's what I'm talking about: (these are cashmere at JCrew, Old Navy has them for $20)

    Collection cashmere sweatpant


    Sweet mother of Jesus.  If I wore those I'd look like this:

    LOVE IT!!!

  • My new dressed up is boots/stretch (maternity)leggings/tanks and a cardi

    Almost exactly this. Nursing tanks and a long wrap like cardigan. If I want to look extra cute it's skinny jeans and bright colored flats. I also have a few cute button down plaid shirts. It seems the stay at home moms in my area have a pact though to look frazzled and lumpy so I don't care much on my home days. Gotta love Boston for something! :)

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  • I live in skinny black leggings jeans by jbrand. They are comfy and stretchy but still look put together enough I can wear to work on days I'm just going to be in my office. They have the jeans cut but look like black pants rather than jeans. You can pair them w any colorful top, heels or wedges or boots and throw on a scarf and your coat, voila! Put together. When I want to change it up, I pull out the dark navy ones.
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  • I live in long sleeve tshirts and jeans. I have the wardrobe of an 8 year old boy.
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  • I used to be all Banana Republic but now I'm rocking a Gap wardrobe. They have such awesome sales all the time and their stuff is comfy but still looks good.
  • Following and taking notes. I desperately need a new casual wardrobe. All my every day clothes are from when I was working, which isn't really what I want to wear when in home with LO or running errands. Most days I live in lulus, all different styles depending on what I'm doing, lol.
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  • I've recently found the high waist skinny jeggings from American Eagle. They actually fit my PP body.
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