Nurseries and Baby Gear

Recommend your diaper pail

My nursery is just missing a diaper pail and I've been told I need one.  Do you agree?  Can anyone recommend a good one?  I'm looking online and they range from so many prices.  Not sure what to look for.  Thanks!
Married June 23, 2012
TTC #1 December 2012
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Due October 2015


Re: Recommend your diaper pail

  • We used a diaper champ initially which was nice b/c it doesn't need special bags. And it did contain the smell but when it was time to change it... Yikes. I quit using it b/c it was so bad. Just used plastic grocery bags to tie up the dirty diapers and threw them out in the kitchen trash.






  • I had the Arm & Hammer and hated it. My ODS broke the latch on it when he was 10 months old. Plus the refills were $$.

    We now use stainless steel trash cans with the Arm and Hammer air freshener. It's toddler proof and takes normal trash bags. Just change it every other day to avoid a poopy smell.
    TTC January 2010
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  • We've had the Diaper Genie Elite for 3 years and really like it. It seems to be very durable. We plan to use it with the new baby, too.
  • Waste of money!  Plastic holds onto smells.
    I had two diaper genies and they both smelled terrible when you had to open them.  They started to smell so bad, I got rid of them and used a open top trash can for my youngest.  

    The more ventilation the better.  I've left pee diapers up there for a week and never smelled a thing.  The poop diapers go in the trash, which is taken out each day.
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    Emily 8.8.08
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  • diaper genie elite.. helps with the smell 
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  • We had a diaper champ years ago and it smelled horrible when changing it. Since we take our trash out daily, I plan to just use plastic grocery bags to tie each poop diaper up and throw in the kitchen trash. If that isn't working, we'll look into one later.

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  • We just throw diapers in the kitchen trash. Trash goes out every other day. Never smelled a thing.
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  • We skipped it and just put his diapers in a grocery or Wal-Mart plastic bag and throw it out every night. Works great for us!

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  • We wanted something stainless steel because over time plastic will absorb the smells. You could use a regular trash can or we went with the ubbi. No special refills is also a plus. We put the arm and hammer deodorizer discs in as well just to help keep it fresh.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Another vote for Diaper Genie Elite. The poopy diapers are there for a week ( untill the pail is full) and no smell whatsoever. A must have IMO
  • We started out with the Diaper Champ and it was ok, it really smelled though. Once my daughter was mobile she could open it and dump toys in it. We then got the diaper genie elite and I was kicking myself for not getting it sooner! We use the Target brand refills. So worth the extra cost of refills

  • We have an Ubbi diaper pail, it's great and stainless steel. It can just be a regular garbage can after
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  • Never had a diaper pail, never felt I needed one.  We put the pee diapers in the regular garbage and the poop diapers get tied up in a grocery bag and put outside in the garbage.  No smell, and we don't have to buy bags.
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  • We use the Munchkin Arm & Hammer diaper pail and I love it. Each bag holds 25-30 dirties and the lid twists the bag ea time it's shut; there hasn't been any odor whatsoever. Inexpensive too. The initial unit was $31 on Amazon and came w/10 bags. Just bought 30 refill bags for $15 on Amazon (good for about 800 more diapers). There's a baking soda pod in the lid that releases every other time the lid is opened and it's easy to refill when needed. It's been 3mos & we haven't had to refill it yet. No complaints!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We use a ubbi one that works pretty well.
    If you are undecided I would just wait, poopy diapers don't really smell BAD until they start solids so you have a few months to see if you want to take each diaper to the outside/kitchen trash or if that's too annoying (depends on house layout and number of times a day you kid poops for example). Until the a regular pail will be just fine.
  • We use the Munchkin Arm & Hammer diaper pail and I love it. Each bag holds 25-30 dirties and the lid twists the bag ea time it's shut; there hasn't been any odor whatsoever. Inexpensive too. The initial unit was $31 on Amazon and came w/10 bags. Just bought 30 refill bags for $15 on Amazon (good for about 800 more diapers). There's a baking soda pod in the lid that releases every other time the lid is opened and it's easy to refill when needed. It's been 3mos & we haven't had to refill it yet. No complaints!



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We simply use a regular small trash can and take it out as needed. Simple and very cost-effective!
    Loving life!
  • We love the Munchkin Arm & Hammer diaper pail!  It's been almost 2 years of using it, and there is rarely a smell coming from it.
  • Ok so I also have an arm n hammer munchkin and kinda hate it. The kid is a pita to close. And then when I take out the bag there's still plenty on room for more dirty diapers but it seems full. Is this not happening to you ladies? I might call the company.
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  • We have the Diaper Genie Elite and love it! Absolutely no smells! For those of you who don't want to spend the extra money on refills, here is another option! I haven't tried it yet, but I don't see why it wouldn't work!
  • My friends all swear by diaper dekor! but use the original refills, not biodegradable.
  • lkwmurphylkwmurphy member
    edited March 2014
    I too love the Ubbi! I love that I can use my regular kitchen trash bags instead of having to buy refill bags. One less thing to buy! 

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