Blended Families

rough day

Ugh, DS has made this a rough day. Not looking for any advice. Just need to tell someone that today is one of those days I want to just disappear to Hawaii all by myself and not know when I'm coming back.

He is starting up this constant lying. About everything! I know it's just one of those things we have to go through and teach him not to do. But seriously, it's getting old. He has a mouth full of gold fish but shakes his head no when I ask if he ate Sissy's goldfish. He snuck behind my back, ate his box of goldfish, then got SD's and shared it with the dogs. He also have the dogs donuts and chocolate milk. All while I was using the bathroom!

And later after I told him I was glad he was turning his day around and starting to behave, he turned right around and "accidentally" stepped on the dog's foot. Not five minutes later, he has the dog locked in his room and pulled her ears and lied about it. I turned his TV of and made him sit in his floor and as soon as I walked out he turned his TV back on. So I unplugged it and made him go to bed.

He was counting on going to Nana's this evening to watch a Christmas movie, and he lost that chance. SD left earlier to go, and I told him if he could be good he might earn that privilege back. But he didn't. And I only feel slightly like a bad guy.

Not wanting or needing advice. Just getting it out. Just one of those days.

Re: rough day

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    I'm sorry it was such a rough day. I too eel guilty when I have to take a privilege away from DS for misbehaving, even though it's his own fault. How old is DS? 
    BabyFetus Ticker

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    He will be 4 on the 16th. I'm going he is having a better day at daycare today. I have to go to class tonight after work so I won't see him tonight. And since this is finals week, same goes for tomorrow and at least one more might this week. But then I am done for the semester.

    So I feel double guilty that we had a rough day yesterday. I hate leaving our last day together on a bad note.
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    I hate the lying stage. If it makes you feel better, my son got through it and hasn't really told any lies since. He's absurdly honest. I guess I made it crystal clear to him how I felt about lies. I did what you did and just took stuff away. Once he had his whole room cleared out except for books. (I just can't take away books.) For three days. And yeah, I felt like poo, too.
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    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    The lying stage SUCKS. I just took things away from DS too - eventually it will click.
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