I have posted a few times here before but mostly lurk. I have a pain in the a STBXH, who lives with the woman he cheated on me with. Anyway, my question, if any of you have an idea on the answer...I am thinking of moving in with my boyfriend. I get spousal and child support from STBXH. We still have another year until the divorce is final bc I'm not signing. Will my spousal support be effected if I move in with someone?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Spousal support question...
I would say this though: in AZ, where our divorce was filed, there are two types of spousal support - one that both parties agree cannot be modified (the kind we have), and one that stipulates modification is possible. If your state is similar, you might want to take that into consideration. Would your ex be upset / have valid financial grounds to seek modification if your living situation changed? I wouldn't have modified my alimony payments even if I could've - I felt what my ex and I agreed on was fair and I wouldn't have wanted to pull the rug out from under him - but I know not all situations are like that.