June 2013 Moms

Diaper drama

Just venting here.. It was 9pm and k started to get fussy. She just had a bath and was in a diaper, but I hadn't put her pj's on. After her bath when I was diapering her, she kept squirting out little poops, so after 3 diapers I just left her so she could finish pooping. I nursed her, thinking she would stay awake and then be happy for a bit so I could change her, put her in her Jammie's and start bedtime routine. She had only been awake 1 hour and is usually up 3 hours before bed. She ate then was comfort sucking, but wide awake, watching her hands wave in the air. She popped off to look around so I took the opportunity to get up to change her diaper and get her in her pjs. She immediately began fussing/whining/crying when I got up (still holding her) and continued as I changed her diaper. Then it started again. As soon as I was done wiping her butt she cried and squirted a little poop. So I wiped her again. Tried to let her air out a bit so I could put on diaper rash cream (she got over a bad rash last week and I never want to put her through another rash so I'm just doing cream regardless)... Anyway, put the cream on my finger and before it reaches her butt she squirts more poop! I wipe.... More poop.... Wipe... Poop.... Wipe, air dry, get more cream, poop..... I wasted about 3-4 more diapers trying to change her because as soon as I was done cleaning her she pooped again... All the while she is screaming, straightening her legs, I'm not sure if she is in pain or just mad... So, once again, I tell myself to just close the diaper and let her finish pooping. I close it. I nurse her. And of course she is now passed out... Poop in diaper... Didn't poop any more once I closed the diaper btw..... Her Jammie's are halfway on... One foot in, one foot out.... Lol... What a mess. So I plan to let her sleep a little while then change her while she sleeps- but that has never been possible her entire life so basically I'm waking her up, otherwise she will probably sleep all night in a poopy diaper. Ugh... I guess some days you got it and some days you don't... :/
Thanks for letting me vent. Here's my hulk baby. image

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Re: Diaper drama

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    edited December 2013
    Thanks! Hoping the same! :)@chicagochic82

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    She's so freaking cute!! Sorry to hear about the poop fiasco. Lol. Maybe you'll get lucky and she won't wake up. Hands of a surgeon. Hands of a bomb tech. GL!
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    It was a success! She woke up, smiled at me, then fell back asleep. She only roused a little when I had to wipe her butt and open the loudest diaper of all time (haha at least it felt that loud)... But then I got her down for 5 minutes before she woke up screaming and I had to lull her back to sleep... And woke again 15 min ago until I lulled her again. Hopefully she's asleep for good now. Thanks for the good vibes. :)

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    Hands of a surgeon. Hands of a bomb tech. GL!

    You made me laugh with this. :) lol

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    E likes to wake up pooping at 3am. Then, after I change him and nurse and he's on his way to dreamland, he poops himself awake again.

    Aww! That's really rough. K has mostly stopped pooping overnight but that may change with adding solids to her diet. She had the biggest sweet potato poop of all time the other day. :P it was orange.

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