Pregnant after a Loss

Still dont' know my reason for NOT drinking...

I am not really too worried about it... Because all the kids will be at my house along with a ton of adults, but... I dont' think too many questions will be asked.

I am thinking about saying... that with all this TTC and all the medicine I am on my doctor recommends not drinking. And throw in that I may have a few later but not right now.... :) We will see.

What is everyone elses excuse.

Re: Still dont' know my reason for NOT drinking...

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    I thinks that a great excuse. :) You could also always go get some cheap champagne, poor it out and fill it with sparkling white grape juice. :) No one will ever know.
    image DD Kara Ashton 11/16/01 SD Karlee Nicole 11/04/00 DD Karsyn Joy 5/15/09 DS Connor Mack 2/25/11 DD Kaitlyn Mae 12/14/12 2 angels 6/2/08 and 6/9/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker
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    I think I am going to sneak some of that in for a toast tonight... Because I bought some for the kids... :) Everyone knows of out TTC problems so... I don't think many questions will be asked.... :)
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    tell everyone you got wasted last night and can't do another night!  LOL!
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    Well I don't need one anymore, but you could always grab a beer & either re-fill it w/ water in the bathroom, or just dump a little out in the house plant or sink or whatever periodically.

    Or make a "mixed" drink w/ cranberry juice & something fizzy to make it look like a fun drink.  Or steal some of the kids sparkling apple/grape juice & play it off. 

    The "meds" trick is pretty see through if you ask me.  I tried it last pg & NOBODY believed me.  Glad I don't have to fake it anymore. 

    Good luck!

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    I thinks that a great excuse. :) You could also always go get some cheap champagne, poor it out and fill it with sparkling white grape juice. :) No one will ever know.

    Oh, thats a good idea!  Walmart has some Andre's on sale for $4 a bottle.

    m/c April '08
    DD#1 born June '09
    DD#2 born April '11
    TTC #3 as of July '14

    My Ovulation Chart
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    tell everyone you got wasted last night and can't do another night!  LOL!

    I have thought of this as mine combined with being DD for DH.  With my love for wine -- a rough night would be easily believed.

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    OH!  And when i needed to do this when we first got our BFP....I pre-emptied a couple of Bud Light bottles and filled them up with water.  NO ONE knew!!!
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    The "meds" trick is pretty see through if you ask me.  I tried it last pg & NOBODY believed me.  Glad I don't have to fake it anymore. 

    I totally agree. I have always said that if someone I knew said that I would immediately assume they were pg. To me, fake drinking is the way to go. That is what I always did. 

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    Fake drinking it is!!!!!!!!!!! I also thought about using this... We went to mexican last night with a bunch of the people that will be here tonight and I complained about my food to them all and really didn't eat it because it was horrible. I maybe ate half of it... I thought of saying that I was up sick all night for I guess my food... So I may use that also.


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    Fake drinking it is!!!!!!!!!!! I also thought about using this... We went to mexican last night with a bunch of the people that will be here tonight and I complained about my food to them all and really didn't eat it because it was horrible. I maybe ate half of it... I thought of saying that I was up sick all night for I guess my food... So I may use that also.


    The runs always works and no one questions it!! If fact, most people will drop the subject once you say it. Stick out tongue

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