Stay at Home Moms

Tooth fairy fail.

DS lost his first tooth a month ago. He refused to put his tooth under his pillow because he didn't want some strange lady with wings in his bedroom. I tried to reason with him about how he doesn't mind Santa or the Easter Bunny, and he said, "Mom, they've been coming since I was born. I've never met the Tooth Fairy in my life!" So we compromised by leaving the tooth on the kitchen counter with a note instructing her to please not come in his room.

Second tooth was lost day before yesterday. He agreed that she could come in his room this time. Except, she, um, sort of forgot. He came down to breakfast pretty crushed yesterday, and I told him she must be on a holiday schedule because it's Thanksgiving. He brightened up and said "Like the garbage men!" Yep, son, exactly like that. So last night she left a dollar coin and a note explaining that she'd been MIA because she was invited to take part in the Macy's Parade, and to please accept her apologies.

I think he bought it.

Re: Tooth fairy fail.

  • DD won't let the tooth fairy come in her room either.  She doesn't want a "stranger" to come while she is sleeping.  She has a little box that she will put her tooth in and leave it outside her bedroom door.  Seeing that box on the way to bed has saved the Tooth Fairy's ass a couple of times, otherwise, in her sleep deprived state, would have totally forgotten.
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
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  • meglew said:
    DD won't let the tooth fairy come in her room either.  She doesn't want a "stranger" to come while she is sleeping.  She has a little box that she will put her tooth in and leave it outside her bedroom door.  Seeing that box on the way to bed has saved the Tooth Fairy's ass a couple of times, otherwise, in her sleep deprived state, would have totally forgotten.
    Wait!  @meglew!!
    You said it has saved the tooth fairy's ass a couple times.  How many teeth has your DD lost?
    You have their dob and oldest is an '08 kid.  Taylor is 12/07 and just lost her first one in November.
  • I always made my kids just put it in a cup on the counter.  I wasn't taking the risk of waking them up trying to sneak into their rooms.

  • Arnegard said:
    Wait!  @meglew!!
    You said it has saved the tooth fairy's ass a couple times.  How many teeth has your DD lost?
    You have their dob and oldest is an '08 kid.  Taylor is 12/07 and just lost her first one in November.
    She has lost 4 total.  The bottom front 2 last year at this time (Nov and Dec 12) and then she lost a front top tooth 2 weeks ago and then had the unfortunate experience of getting the other top front tooth knocked out on Thanksgiving when her and a cousin were playing too rough.  :-)  So 3 naturally.  :-)  She was also really young to get teeth.  The bottom ones came in at exactly 5 months old.
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
  • haha that's awesome. 

    My DD is a very light sleeper, so after she lost her first *I* decided the tooth fairy shouldn't go in her room. I knowwww she would wake.  So we made a box with glitter all over it, and she leaves it outside of her bedroom door.  This is THE only reason I remember to add the $1.  because I walk past it all night and see the box.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • Whooops! We forgot once too. I slipped in while Julia ate breakfast and asked her if she was sure. She found the money so I convinced her that in her half asleep state having just woken up she must not have looked carefully.
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