My b/g twins are 3 months old. Until
Tuesday I had help from my in laws and now it's just my hubby and I are taking care of the twins. We're getting drained out. We end up having breakfast at 12pm, lunch at 5pm and dinner post 10pm. Nothing seems to be working out right. At nights hubby sleeps with one baby, while I sleep with the other in a different room.
Since the past two days I've noticed that their naps duration have reduced a lot and my boy isn't drinking as much as milk as he used to when my in laws were around. I'm wondering if this is just for sometime or will all this be like this for years?
Before there were 4 of us taking care of the twins and now it's just two of us and for a few days just myself as my hubby travels 2-3 days for work. I'm hardly getting any sleep. I'm getting tired of cooking, cleaning, taking care of the twins, bathing them, etc. What can I do to make things better?
My in laws spoilt my son by holding him every time he wanted to be held or whined. Now he wants someone to be around, talking to him and holding him.
As my hubby travels for work I donno how I'll take care of them all by myself. What can we do to make things work? How can I change my son's habit of wanting attention always? Is it okay to leave them crying for 5 minutes or will it affect them? I'm exhausted and I seriously need some advice. Pleaseeee! I'm a first time mom and struggling to make everything work. Please help me mommies!!!!
Re: I'm going crazy! Please help and advice...
Ps- this post is my nightmare. Hubs and I will have no help from the start and he goes back to work when babies are 3 months
PPs have a lot of great advice. I would reiterate their tips to just focus on the basics (lower your standards for cooking, cleaning etc.) and to try to get as much of a routine going as possible. At 3ish months was when I started writing down what times the babies were eating, sleeping, etc. and noticed a pattern emerging. Then I made sure to stick with the same intervals (not necessarily times) for eating and sleeping (ex: eat every 3 hours, lay down to sleep every 1 1/2 hours etc.) We had a very consistent bedtime routine, so the babies knew when it was time for nighttime sleeping. Things got tricky when they started fighting naps during the day, but that's another story for another day....
Also, don't worry about a few minutes of crying. Babies are demanding (I wouldn't even say that your son got "spoiled" by the holding and probably just would've noticed the clinginess earlier if you didn't have the extra hands....) but a few minutes of crying will not hurt them (I think every MoM learns this at some point....) Experiment with swings, babywearing, etc. to see if there is anything that will soothe DS while you can still do other things.
GL and hang in me, it will get better!
My twins came home from the NICU at 4 and 5 weeks. I had help for 2 weeks and then I was on my own. We would feed the babies at the same time or one right after the other. They have always shared a room but have been in there own cribs. They don't wake each other up. I had 2 swings and 2 bouncy chairs that helped entertain one baby while I was taking care of the other. For nighttime, my husband and I took shifts. He was in charge of the babies from 9pm-2am and I took 2am-7am (well until he came home from work really). That way we'd each try to get 5 uninterrupted hours of sleep plus any other time we could sneak in. We did sleep in different rooms for awhile so we wouldn't interrupt the other sleeping.
Don't worry about cleaning, cooking, or all that other stuff. Take care of the babies, sleep when you can, and eat lots of take out our freezer meals. Just remember it does get better and becomes a lot more fun. Good luck!