Check out the birth center in Bryn Mawr. Not sure midwives have hospital privileges but it's across the street so if there were a problem a transfer is quick. I have no personal experience but know someone who had a great experience there
MC#1 - BFP early June, 2011 - first u/s showed pregnancy as non-viable - D&C 6/21/2011
MC#2 - BFP early Nov, 2011 - first u/s showed cyst on umbilical cord at 8w2d and no heartbeat - D&C 11/22/2011
MC#3 - BFP April 30, 2012 - miscarriage naturally 5/2/2012 @8wk
MC#4 - BFP Sep 2012 - u/s good at 8wks, 11 wks - no h/b and measuring 8w1d - diagnosed as Turner Syndrome
IVF Round 1 - Retrieved 20 eggs, 8 confirmed blasts as chromosomally normal and one xfrd 9/25/2013
BFP on 10/9. EDD 6/13/2014
I had an amazing experience at Lankenau with Dr. Ufberg. I was 6 days late with a big baby (10lbs 8 oz at birth), but Dr. Ufberg never even mentioned induction, because all my tests (I had bi-weekly NSTs and fluid checks at the end) showed we were perfectly healthy. I really appreciated that. My whole experience at Lankenau was fantastic
Re: Midwives or OB recommendations through Main Line Health
MC#1 - BFP early June, 2011 - first u/s showed pregnancy as non-viable - D&C 6/21/2011
MC#2 - BFP early Nov, 2011 - first u/s showed cyst on umbilical cord at 8w2d and no heartbeat - D&C 11/22/2011
MC#3 - BFP April 30, 2012 - miscarriage naturally 5/2/2012 @8wk
MC#4 - BFP Sep 2012 - u/s good at 8wks, 11 wks - no h/b and measuring 8w1d - diagnosed as Turner Syndrome
IVF Round 1 - Retrieved 20 eggs, 8 confirmed blasts as chromosomally normal and one xfrd 9/25/2013 BFP on 10/9. EDD 6/13/2014
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13