Pregnant after a Loss

curtains for nursery

here is the bedding.  the walls will be green with a thick blue horizontal stripe all the way around the room.  I'm thinking brown roman (blackout if I can) shades.  What do you think?


Re: curtains for nursery

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    Ooo, I love that bedding! Where did you find it?

    I think based on your description of the painted walls, the brown black-out shades would be perfect!

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    I think that brown shades would look great with that bedding and wall colors!
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    Ooo, I love that bedding! Where did you find it?

    I think based on your description of the painted walls, the brown black-out shades would be perfect! actually!  I got the 4 piece set, lamp base with shade and 2 pages of wall stickers for $100!!! 

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    Those curtins sound like they would be perfect! So cute!
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    I love the bedding too!  The Roman shades sound nice!  I actually tried those shades in our nursery but they looked terrible!  We went with wood blinds from Lowes.  I think that could be an alternative for you too if the others don't pan out.  Your room sounds like it will be great though!!

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