I look at all of my friends posting things on FB about the fantastic things that their one baby can do at just a few months old, and I feel like such a bust. I can't keep up with the tummy time and story reading and song singing and all that jazz when one is screaming to be held, the other exploding all over the place and then its time to eat again. Anyone else feel like this?
Re: Anyone else feel like they are just surviving?
Btw, as far as all the "to-dos," like tummy-time, reading, etc, just do your best, and the babies will lead the way too. I remember getting concerned b/c mine just were not interested in hearing stories for awhile, but one day they just started loving turning pages and looking at their books....and "reading" the same ones over and over again. Everything will be fine.....you're doing great and it will get easier!!
I had a conversation with my hubs today about his cousin who has 3 mo old twins and is staying with her parents for the help. Her sister is giving her a hard time about accepting help, and my husband was furious. Parents with one infant/baby talk about how it's 'the hardest job you'll ever have'
Then I guess having twins/trips+ is a super power?