
Anyone else feel like they are just surviving?

I look at all of my friends posting things on FB about the fantastic things that their one baby can do at just a few months old, and I feel like such a bust.  I can't keep up with the tummy time and story reading and song singing and all that jazz when one is screaming to be held, the other exploding all over the place and then its time to eat again.  Anyone else feel like this?

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Re: Anyone else feel like they are just surviving?

  • Yes. Word for word.
  • Yes!! I just read your post to my DH. He hopped up and grabbed a book to read to them because we haven't done that in days. They are tandem nursing with their eyes closed but just listening to a book is better than nothing, right?
                         My fraternal twin boys. Born Sept 2013.
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  • Absolutely! I feel so bad about not being able to do enough activities while they are awake but it's so hard with two! Like you said one screaming and one blowing out another diaper lol
  • Yes, yes, and yes! LOL between FB and my BMB I felt (still sometimes feel) like a "slacker" on many occasions.....especially on those days when you're just living for nap-time (and hoping they both sleep!) Remember, you have twice the number of babies, they are so super demanding in the first few months, and as long as you're loving and taking care of them, they will be just fine!

    Btw, as far as all the "to-dos," like tummy-time, reading, etc, just do your best, and the babies will lead the way too. I remember getting concerned b/c mine just were not interested in hearing stories for awhile, but one day they just started loving turning pages and looking at their books....and "reading" the same ones over and over again. Everything will be're doing great and it will get easier!!
  • My girls are 7 months now, so I think I'm used to this feeling now, but in the beginning I just fretted my guts out at not having the time, even with help, to do all the things, it was awful!! Then I'd think back to the story my grandmother would tell me about how when he was a baby she'd tether my dad to a tree in the front yard so she could clean her house every morning (!!!)--my point being you can be sure he wasn't getting tummy time, being read to all day, getting music therapy, etc, and he turned out fine, and so will my girls--and so will your kids, too! Mothers have never been under so much pressure before to do so much for their kids (not to mention balancing with their professional life, etc,) yet the previous generations still brought forth plenty of remarkable, intelligent and caring people... I will say that once I got my ladies on a schedule things got a lot easier...If you're surviving, you're doing great, all the best to you!!!!!!
  • I thought "survival" would just be the first three months…but it comes and goes for the whole first year, I think.  Try not to compare yourself to singleton mamas.  That's one of the hardest things to do, I think, but necessary.  When your LOs turn one you will look back and be so proud of what you've accomplished.  You can't feel guilty about surviving because you have no other options. 
  • I feel like I shouldn't be on this board until after I'm knee deep in twins. Haha, is it too late to want out? ;) just kidding!!

    I had a conversation with my hubs today about his cousin who has 3 mo old twins and is staying with her parents for the help. Her sister is giving her a hard time about accepting help, and my husband was furious. Parents with one infant/baby talk about how it's 'the hardest job you'll ever have'

    Then I guess having twins/trips+ is a super power?
  • I'm sailing on the same boat with my 3 months old b/g twins. I don't get the time to eat let alone reading to them. Praying all this gets better soon.
  • I feel the exact same way...with two very colicky 10 week old though, I'm just happy we are still surviving at all.  There are times when all I want to do is sit down and cry with them.
    Evelyn & Jocelyn   9/19/2013
  • I have 4u4 and if by the end of the day they're changed, fed, had a nap, happy and accounted for I feel like I accomplished something. Don't stress out over the things other babies are doing or what other people (yes, mil this is you) think you or your babies should be doing.
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