What was the first real word your kids said?
Ike was Dad. He Da'd his whole life and it just turned into Dad
Ellie hasn't nailed it yet but she is doing the same thing with mom. Mumumumum. Muuuuuummmmm. It's always when she cries and she might be starting to associate it with me since it gets my attention every time.
Re: Speaking of First Words
Doggy was the first recognizable, in context one.
She now says mama, dada, nana (for banana), nigh nigh (night night) and hi.
I love her little voice. Sorrynotsorry I'm a proud mama.
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
Anywhere, I would have followed you.
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
DD#1 said Mama. She had been babbling mamamama for a while, but I didn't know she associated it with me until I tried to walk out of her room without taking her out of the crib and she yelled it in anger while staring right at me. Little temper on that one.
DD#2 first word was llama. We were at the zoo.
DD#2 was Dada
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
S2: momma
S3: truck (he said car and vroom pretty much simultaneously)
BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13