I am 7 months post partum and I need to get back in shape and lose between 20-30lbs. I am still on mat leave and I joined a gym and was considering personal training. The minimum sessions I can buy is 8- but they are recommending 24- which will be twice a week for 3 months. Is 8 enough- can I do this on my own or will having a trainer make me much likelier to reach my goal?
Re: Personal training- is it worth the money?
If you know what you are doing, then I'd say no. This day and age you can find how to videos online and learn different exercises to do. There have so many websites dedicated to different workout types- dailyhiit.com and bodyrocktv.com
I was big into the gym and lifting before getting pregnant so I cut back during pregnancy and now I'm back at it (at a new gym) and they offered me a start up deal where I got 3 free if I bought so many? I didn't do it only because it ended up not being worth it. IDK. I am middle of the road I guess.