My dear friend's baby was born 3 weeks early yesterday. They discovered she has some medical issues besides just being early. Apparently her esophagus and stomach never connected and is having breathing issues. She was rushed my ambulance to our level one nicu for emergency surgery today. Please pray for baby A. My friend struggled hard core with fertility issues. My heart is breaking for her. She is 30 miles from her baby right now. Will update when I can. Thanks.
Mom and baby are together now. After further testing, the heart and kidneys are ok. Apparently with this detect it is common for heart and kidney issues. In a few weeks post surgery, baby will have a swallow test. Ifthe surgery doesn't work, a G tube will be placed. Thank you for the prayers. Will update again as new info comes up. Happy thanksgiving!
Re: UPDATE: T & P for baby Allison
BFP 3/29/2014 2u2 Let's do this!
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
Hysteroscopy 3/2011 2 Polyps removed 4/2011
DH on Clomid / Arimidex to address hormonal issues - Sperm found July 2011!
IVF #1 September 2011 - ER 9/8/2011- 8R, 5M - icsi - 1 made it to transfer - BFFN :-(
IVF #2 Lucky November 2011 - ER 11/25/2011 - 15 eggs!, 13 mature, 10 fertilized with isci - 7 made it to transfer! Transferred 1 - 8 cell and 2 - 7 cell. BFP!!!!
1st U/S - Twins! 2nd U/S - 3 heartbeats!!! - HOLY COW!!!
Prayers for our take home babies!
2 babies born on 3/27/12 and lost. Last baby born on 3/29/12 and lost at 20 weeks.
My angels grew wings shortly after birth.
Ahava Raisel, Matisyahu Nissim & Zev Chaim - Mommy and Daddy will always love you.
IVF #3 July 2012 - ER 7/17/2012 - 10 R. 5 F. 4 made it to ET
Transferred 2 on 7/20/2012 no snow babies :-(
Beta on 7/31/2012 = BFMFN
A miracle gift expected to come to us through adoption around 9/2012
Baby girl adopted - Birth Mother changed her mind and took the baby back
IVF #4 October 2012 - New RE. Doing PGD Testing. 8 R, 7F, 2 made it to 5 day blast for PDG testing. Both Normal (Thank you G-d!!!) 1 boy and 1 girl
transferred one beautiful 5day blast (girl)
Please G-d the almighty one - let this be our take home baby!
Beta #1 158, Beta #2 318, 1 Absolutely magnificent HB at 175! Thank you G-d!!!
Baby Girl born August 5th. Thank you G-d for our precious miracle.
AMA. PAIF & SAIF always welcome - I need all the prayers I can get!
Me: 28 DH: 33
DD: Born 7/30/13, 2 years old
TTC #2: August 2015