August 2013 Moms

UPDATE: T & P for baby Allison

AmeliaKrisAmeliaKris member
edited November 2013 in August 2013 Moms
My dear friend's baby was born 3 weeks early yesterday. They discovered she has some medical issues besides just being early. Apparently her esophagus and stomach never connected and is having breathing issues. She was rushed my ambulance to our level one nicu for emergency surgery today. Please pray for baby A. My friend struggled hard core with fertility issues. My heart is breaking for her. She is 30 miles from her baby right now. Will update when I can. Thanks.

Mom and baby are together now. After further testing, the heart and kidneys are ok. Apparently with this detect it is common for heart and kidney issues. In a few weeks post surgery, baby will have a swallow test. Ifthe surgery doesn't work, a G tube will be placed. Thank you for the prayers. Will update again as new info comes up. Happy thanksgiving!
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