
24 hr urine question

Hi all, my dr told me on my next visit I'd have a 24 hr urine done. I know the basics of how it's done, but he never really explained why. Is it because it's twins? Or because I'm 38? I do have high blood pressure but have never had protein in my urine when it's been checked in the past.

Oh and I'm 11w with di-di IVF twins. :)

Re: 24 hr urine question

  • High BP and they're making sure they aren't missing it. I have had pre E so many times, I know the drill. 11 w is early to have high BP, so that's probably why they're taking precautions now.
  • I've had pre-e with 2 of my babies (about 15 years ago), and I don't remember doing this. Is it a fairly new test?
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