Hello all! Ay one have any advice on weaning a LO with a milk allergy. DD is 1 yr and I would LOVE to tell my pump to take a hike.
DD does good on some foods, but she still takes quite a few cereal bottles. She still doesn't have any teeth and we're finding it difficult to find things that she can eat or practice eating herself that isn't a purée or diary free. We do a lot of puffs, Cheerios, mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, etc... Also, what do you use in place of BM? Or gastroenterologist said we could put her on Elecare Jr, Neocate formulas, but I don't want to go from BM to another formula. I might as well continue pumping. We're doing a diary challenge this weekend so I'm hoping for the best, but we did a challenge a coupe of months ago and things didn't turn out well so...(shrug). I want her to continue eating more solids but I'm at a loss of what else to feed her.
Re: Weaning and milk allergy
DD's Food Allergies: Peanuts and Rice, Outgrown Dairy!
8/09 Dx PCOS & Hashimoto's
BFP #2 12/13/11. Missed M/C at 11w5d, measured 8w6d. D&C 2/1/12
Never in my arms, but always in my heart.