Pregnant after a Loss

Everyone is asking...

"Are you pregnant?", even the FedEx guy yesterday "Oh, when did you get pregnant?."  Friends, aquaintances, people in my office building.

I get so frustrated because I want to be able to tell them but I am scared to tell everyone and have something go wrong.  Plus, I wanted to wait until after the NT scan on the 20th but that doesn't seem possible now. Then I get all pissed off because I think, Who raised these people? Where do they get off asking me if I am pregnant when I have a belly? I am kind of sensitive because I have gained some weight this year from quitting smoking and my first pg and I feel like I hve been gracious about these questions for so long and now I just want to scream at them! "It's none of your business!"

Thanks for letting me vent, what did you guys do? How do I handle these well meaning but annoying people?

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